Educational Research Fundamentals
Today you will learn: Search Strategies How to search ERIC What important library services are available to CSULB students
Research Topic What is the impact of single-sex education on the science achievement of students?
Research Strategy Create search statements using Boolean Operators AND narrows a search. OR broadens a search. W or W1 makes your terms a phrase.
Advanced Search Structures Parentheses Allows you to include all possible terms in a single search statement Can be used to greatly expand or restrict a search sample search statement: (internet or online) and social w1 interaction
Search Statements (Combining Terms) Single-sex w education and science and students 11 1,797 5,472 8,413
ERIC What is it? ERIC is an index (search engine) of education related literature including: unpublished papers, journal articles, and government documents. Date Range: 1966 – Present
What’s in ERIC? ED records Full-text of non-refereed non-journal materials from If the document is a book click on the “search the catalog at the CSULB Library” EJ records These are all journals! Click on the SFX button to see if the Library owns the journal electronically or in print
ERICERIC Search Tips Use the Thesaurus to find subject terms Use subjects to narrow your search Use w to connect terms together when appropriate Limit for specific document types CIJE (ERIC Journal Collection) RIE (ERIC Document Collection)
These might also be useful! PsychInfo JSTOR Academic Search Elite Dissertations & Theses
Two Step Process for getting Journal Articles
Step ONE Get citations from a research database Author, title, journal title, volume, page, year
Step TWO: Click on the SFX icon
SFX box pops up
Any problems with SFX? 1. Click on the SFX problem form located in the SFX box- someone will help by 2. Contact the reference desk by phone: (562) Contact me by
If We Don’t Own It Inter-Library Loan (ILL) For journal articles and books Takes 5-7 working days 24hr Electronic Request Form Often delivers via ! Absolutely FREE You need a Library Password to fill out the form!
Research Guides Education Science Education (Under “Natural Sciences”)
RefWorks What is RefWorks? A web-based bibliography manager or citation manager Creates a personal database of references for research use and in writing papers References are imported and organized in any manner you choose Bibliographies can be created in many citation styles
RefWorks Where is RefWorks?
You can get access from home, work or any computer with internet access!!
ONE thing you need to do to get access from your home 1. Establish a Library Password Special note: if you have AOL you must minimize their browser and use this browser to use the databases Internet Explorer
A screen like this should pop up when you click on a database if you’re not on campus
How to Get a Library Password Go to Coast Type in your name, CSULB I.D. #, and a Password of your choice Confirm Password by typing it twice more If the screen is yellow and just shows your name- it worked! If you forgot your password call: (562) and get it erased so you can create a new one!
STILL Need Help? Karin Griffin (562) me or make an appointment!