2 nd international Conference for GODAR-WESTPAC JODC, Japan Coast Guard, Tokyo 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

2 nd international Conference for GODAR-WESTPAC JODC, Japan Coast Guard, Tokyo 2004

2 GOSUD November 2004 Context and Overall Objectives The Global Ocean Surface Underway Data (GOSUD) Project is an IOC programme designed as an end to end system for data collected by ships at sea. The goal of the GOSUD Project is to develop and implement a data system for surface ocean data, to acquire and manage these data to provide a mechanism to integrate these data with other types of data collected in the world oceans. For the purposes of this Project, the data concerned are those collected as a platform is underway and from the ocean surface down to about 15m depth.

3 GOSUD November 2004 Project Objectives To organize the data that are presently collected and to work with data collectors to improve practices to meet the sampling and data accuracy set forth by GOOS to build a comprehensive archive containing sufficient meta-data that users will have clear information about accuracy and instrumentation to add value to the archive by refining and standardizing existing QA procedures on RT and DM data to provide data and information to users in timely fashion to return information to data collectors about the data they provide to work with scientific organizations interested in surace data to provide products to a broader community The initial project plan is available from the web site:

4 GOSUD November 2004 GOSUD Project Data Flow

5 GOSUD November 2004 GOSUD Data In WESTPAC Region received in RT since 1989

6 GOSUD November 2004 GOSUD Real Time Quality Checks Test 1 : platform identification Test 2 : impossible date Test 3 : impossible location Test 4 : Position on Land Test Test 5 : impossible speed Test 6 : global ranges Test 7 : regional ranges Test 8 : spike test Test 9 : gradient Test 10 : climatology Test 11 : instrument comparison  the result is a quality flag according to GTSPP flag scale

7 GOSUD November 2004 GODAR Data received in DM

8 GOSUD November 2004 Climatologies from the ECOP project & CDrom

9 GOSUD November 2004 JODC

10 GOSUD November 2004

11 GOSUD November 2004 GOSUD Project Data Flow

12 GOSUD November 2004 Links and Cooperation ARGO:Constant coopération. When combining TSG with surface data from profiles, better statistical computations and climatological analysis can be done Satellite Community: presentation of GOSUD to the Aquarius/SMOS/Hydros joint meeting, April There is a strong interest in the GOSUD project, both from NASA and ESA, for calibration/validation of a sensor they are designing that can measure ocean surface salinity from space: CLIVAR : presentation of GOSUD to CLIVAR Ocean Observation Workshop, March 2004– cooperation developping GOSUD offer to operate as an SSS DAC for CLIVAR SAMOS (Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographical Systems), CLIVAR sub-project with similar objectives, prioritary on meteorological data. cooperation in development to standardize QA and optimize the data circulation WESTPAC, November 2004: Cooperation hoped – GOSUD Steering Committee would very much welcome a WESTPAC representative in the Committee.

13 GOSUD November 2004 Visit GOSUD: Thanks for your attention