XCS Aymeric ROBERT 1 LUSI X-ray Correlation Spectroscopy Instrument Advanced Procurement Review : Large Angle Detector Mover Aymeric ROBERT – XCS Instrument Scientist Eric Bong – XCS Lead Engineer April, 2009
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 2 XCS Instrument Overview Request your help : We should name this device in another way Suggestions ?
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 3 XCS Instrument Overview 600 mm 30 mm 3 mm ( Floor ) 1400 mm 2x 2 mm
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 4 XCS LA-mover Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 The Large Angle Detector Stage (LADS) is a component of the XCS Instrument. It positions the XCS pixelated detector (or any future detector available) in reciprocal space to perform X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy experiments. The LADS vacuum flight path provides the capability to reduce air-scattering and air-absorption between the sample location (i.e located at the Center Of Rotation of the XCS diffractometer system) and the detector. The positioning of the detector must be obtained in a precise and reproducible fashion. The Large Angle Detector Stage motion should be totally decoupled from the XCS diffractometer system. As for the XCS diffractometer system, the joint use of the XCS diffractometer system and the LADS will perform as a 4-circle horizontal scattering geometry Diffractometer.
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 5 XCS LA-mover Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 The Large Angle Detector Stage serves the following purposes: Positioning the XCS pixelated detector (or future detectors available) at the location of interest in the reciprocal space in the vicinity of the horizontal scattering plane. Allowing a large sample-detector distance enabling to resolve speckle patterns (i.e coherent diffraction patterns) Allowing to reach scattering angles 2θ up to 55 degrees for diffraction experiments Allowing some Small Angle X-ray Scattering capability when 2θ=0º. Allowing Grazing Incidence scattering and diffraction experiments.
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 6 XCS Large Angle Detector Mover Methodology Produce Physics Requirement Document P3 SLAC plan to contract design/build Split effort between mover and components mounted to mover feasible? Design upper components at SLAC Perform design concept study yes no Continue with design/build Multiple vendors expressed interest in mover design/build Description : i.e 3 Major Elements –Carriage mover –End module –Vacuum chamber Evaluation of existing devices
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 7 XCS LA-Detector Mover Safety Safety –Informal meeting with Ernie Gomes and David Shemwell (SLAC ES&H) Both ES&H Representatives were satisfied that a safe implementation of the large angle mover can be accommodated with a combination of engineering and administrative controls –Preliminary concept Set motors to run at low velocities and acceleration (software) Set low current trip threshold of motors (software) Brakes on all axis –Installation Need to coordinate with vendor regarding the hazards associated with large angle mover installation, initial turn on and rigging –Seismic The entire system will be reviewed and approved by SLAC for seismic safety –Electrical NRTL, SLAC Inspection and approval
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 8 XCS LAM Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Device Location in the XCS Experimental Hutch
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 9 XCS LAM : Carriage Mover Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Conceptual Design of the XCS LAM : Based on the comparison of existing designs for the mover HERIX, sector 30
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 10 XCS LAM : Carriage Mover Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Conceptual Design of the XCS LAM
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 11 XCS LAM : Carriage Mover Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Horizontal Motion Description Completely decouple from the Diffractometer System The carriage is supported by two units, combining the following motions: The upstream unit consists of : –1 X driven motion –1 Z driven linear motion –1 slaved rotation motion The downstream unit consists of : –1 X driven motion –1 Z slaved linear motion –1 slaved rotation motion
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 12 XCS LAM : Carriage Mover Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Horizontal Motion [2θ] –Range -1° to 55° –Desired resolution 1mDeg –Additional lateral horizontal translation : 1m
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 13 XCS LAM : Carriage Mover Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Vertical Motion [ γ,Y] –[ γ] Range -0.1° to 1° –Desired resolution 1mDeg –[Y] range +3mm/-30mm –Preliminary range of translation : -45mm/+145mm
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 14 XCS LAM : Carriage Mover Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Additional Requirements –Top of the carriage mover below 892mm, when centered –Maximum Load : 4000lbs –Maximum width : 30 inch –Respect stay clears –Installation of rails on the side for mounting top elements –Controls provided by SLAC ( will be obtained from APS) Overview of the Top Elements mounted on the rail
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 15 XCS LAM : End Module Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Adjustable End Module : –Adjustable longitudinal position : no motor required –Precision Detector positioning system –Local Detector for alignment –Beamstop system before an exit window
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 16 XCS LAM : End Module Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Detector Precision Positioning : –[X,Y] range +12”/-6” with 10μm repeatability –[Z] longitudinal adjustment over 25”. Not motorized –Maximum Detector weight 50lbs
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 17 XCS LAM : End Module Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Beamstop System –Possibility to have multiple beamstops –Motion on the vacuum side (upstream from the exit window) –Located as close as possible from the window –Radial range >6” with 10μm repeatability –Tangential range > ±0.25 ” with 10μm repeatability
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 18 XCS LAM : End Module Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Exit window –Mounted on a 12” flange –As large as possible given the chosen material –Easily exchangeable –Kapton vs beryllium tbi
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 19 XCS LAM : Vacuum System Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4 Vacuum system –12” section if possible –Vacuum better than Torr (No UHV!) –Vented to air –Resonable pumping time –Providing 2 possible distance in combination with End-module –Entrance window : large CVD C* (40mm Ø) –MODULARITY !
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 20 XCS LAM Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 21 XCS LAM Transport Tunnel FEH Hutch 4
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 22 XCS Large Angle Detector Mover Engineering Specifications
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 23 Acquisition Strategy The carriage mover will be procured as a Design/build contract. The end-module, vacuum system and rail will be designed by SLAC staff. Soon at the level of Preliminary Design Review Final Design Review before the PO for the carriage mover is out. To sole or not to sole source… Current plan is to go out for bid
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 24 Status of Discussions with Vendors Cost based on ANL HERIX instrument spoke with Oxford who built HERIX Potential Vendors Oxford Instrument –Interested in bidding on contract –Built Herix Huber (via Blake Industries) –Interested in bidding on contract JJ X-Ray –Interested in bidding on contract Aerotech –Interested in bidding on contract KTC –Interested in bidding on contract
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 25 XCS LAM XCS LAM Procurement Specification
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 26 XCS Detector Mover Schedule Possible advanced schedule Must re-baseline P3 schedule to validate advanced schedule
XCS Aymeric ROBERT 27 XCS LAM Vendor Selection Criteria : identical to XPP procurements CriteriaMaxExcellentGoodFairPoorUnacceptable Compliance with technical requirements & specifications Personnel, experience, facilities Delivery and milestone schedule Quality Plan Cost Excellent -Comprehensive and completer; meets or exceeds all requirements; exemplifies complete understanding of the requirements; and demonstrates in detail how to accomplish task Good -Generally meets or exceeds requirements; omissions are of minor consequence or small; would be likely to produce an acceptable end item Fair -Omissions are of significance, but are correctable; substantiation of points is weak or lacking; probability of successful effort is marginal Poor -Gross omissions; failure to understand problem areas; failure to respond to requirements; little or no chance of success in completing the end item Unacceptable -Does not meet the specifications