1 CSA Treasurer’s Report to the CSA Senate Sarah Duane and Jinai Bharucha Fall Term 2009
2 Fall Term Spending Highlights Diwali Celebration Town Hall Meeting I Heart the Female Orgasm Microphones for Student Musical Theater Equipment Updates Nordic Ski Team Lacrosse Game Club Software
3 Spending Details: Special Allocations Began with $17,000 to allocate for term. As of November 15th, we have $1,388 left In total we supported 28 total student organizations and individuals Allocated for winter: Special Als- $17,000 Honoraria- $10,000 Honoraria Began With $10,000 and ended with $5,580
4 Spending Details: Third Center and Alt-Bev Alt-Bev began with $900, $505 remaining. –Alt-Bev was increased from $500 to $900 a term –All Alt-Bev requests were kept under $30 –Used by a variety of students and clubs Third Center began with $1,666, and has $546 remaining. –Significantly more active then last year –Keep on publicizing it! Allocated for winter: Third Center $1666, Alt-Bev: $900
5 Spending Details: Capital Reserves Equipment upgrades have all come out of Cap Reserves Current Level-$53,245 This includes $7,200 from the SASF fund During Spring Als we will raise it back up to $65,000 Notable Cap Reserves Expenses Microphones KRLX Emergency Upgrade
6 Student Activity Fee There was a $12 increase in the Student Activity Fee this year From $201 to $213 Assuming 1,800 students this gave us $21,600 extra ($7,200/term) Raised from $213 to $231 for the SASF
7 Student Activity Support Fund Student Activity Fee was raised $18 for the Student Activity Support Fund $150 waiver Fund was designed to help 216 students and 168 received the waiver SASF fund began with $32,400 and $25,200 was spend Remaining $7,200 will go into Capital Reserves
8 Recommendation Keep SASF the same $18 per student Expect applications to increase as this was the pilot year Lower Activity Fee from $213 to $210 Assuming 1800 students we would get $378,000 from the Activity Fee next year $5,400 less We feel like this is an acceptable decrease because we have surpluses in many of our funds Total Activity Fee- $228