MWA Project:
Site: Murchison Radio Observatory Australia’s proposed SKA Site Strategy: 512 Antenna “Tiles” Explore “Large N / Small D” regime Correlate all pairs Instantaneous complete UV coverage confront issues with Wide-Field Imaging, Foregrounds, Dynamic Range, …
MWA Project: Science goals: Epoch of Re-ionization Transients, Sun, … Implications… Compact, Dense Array Diameter ~ 1.5 km Frequency coverage MHz
MWA Project: Consortium: MIT Haystack Observatory MIT Kavli Institute Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophyics Australian universities (Curtin, ANU, Melbourne, Swinburne, Sydney, Tasmania, Western Australia, …) Raman Research Institute CSIRO/ATNF
Hierarhical groupings
Digital Beamformer ambient temperature (early design)
Receiver Node Housing 64 Nodes Coax RF input from 8 Tiles Fiber digital output Derek Caroll - PSI
Fielded Enclosure
Correlator: FPGA based “hardware correlator” and fine Filter Bank (10KHz channels) Correlate all pairs => 130,816 Interferometer Baselines (Prototyping & Testing … baseband recorders, software filter banks and correlators, …)
Aerial Photo of 32 Tile Prototype Array: Nov 2007
Locations of Antenna Tiles in 32T Array West-East [m]
Hydra A
115 Mhz Jan 2010
Hydra A 121 Mhz Chris Williams Sep 2010
Pictor A Fornax A
Pictor A Fornax A
Pictor A Parkes Catalog
Pictor A Parkes Catalog MWA Sources
32T Image 114 MHz UV coverage Full Hour Angle Coverage
Centaurus A
MWA 32T 115 MHz
Centaurus A
Comparison with X-ray observations
Solar Radio Bursts MHz Oberoi, Matthews, et al
Grid of Radio Spectra across the face of the Sun Oberoi, Matthews, et al
Instantaneous 32T uv-coverage
Ord, Mitchell & Greenhill “2PiP” baseband recording system Vela
Ord, Mitchell & Greenhill “2PiP” baseband recording system
MWA Future Milestones: 32 Tile Array …… Feb Tile Array …. --> 2011
MWA Lessons development of/on new site is hard distributed, international project needs “project management” (… takes longer and costs more than expected) complete instantaneous uv-coverage is very powerful