Digby Debrief Aaron Hardina Kayla Joiner Michelle Warzynski Tammy Grassel.


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Presentation transcript:

Digby Debrief Aaron Hardina Kayla Joiner Michelle Warzynski Tammy Grassel

Round 1 & Round 2 Round 1 –New products –Stock Round 2 –Contribution margin –3 rd product

Round 3 & Round 4 Round 3 –Emergency loan –Loans AAA rating Round 4 –Utilized our cash –Forecasting

Round 5 – Round 7 Round 5 –Cash on hand –Overproduced Round 6 –ROS –Emergency Loan Round 7 –Inventory

Strategy High tech Produce high tech products Fall into low tech –Phasing them out

Living up to High Tech Produce new products in high tech Revise products into low tech Revision date

Emphasized in High Tech Customer standards Stay in High Tech –Others fell into Low Tech Leading edge –Not revised so much

Critical Rounds Round 5 –Cumulative Profit Two high tech products –Revision dates Round 6 –Profit of $48,000 Inventory –Emergency loan.

4 years from now How well would we do Shape of Company

Future-R & D –Produce a new product –Focus on our strategy High tech TQM –Put most of the money into: Concurrent Engineering Quality function deployment effort –To lower R & D time

Future-Marketing –Product Pricing Segment Price –Sales & Promo Budget Accessibility Awareness –Forecasting Growth Over estimating

Future-Production –Add more automation –Sell off inventory and capacity –Add more hours to new employees training –Add more money to new employees training

Future-Finance –Barrow the least amount on the loans –Issue more long-term debt –Give dividends later in the game

What to change in 4 years Sell out all capacity and inventory High Tech products Accessibility

What we learned How to forecast in 2 different ways –Customer Survey –Last Year market share To issue long-term debt instead of barrowing

More of what we learned HR functions –Training Hours –Money spent Revision date impact Choices that we made

Chance to play again More products Stay in High Tech Don’t over forecast More automation More long-term debt rather then short- term

Team Performance Analyze –Needed better communication –Delegated sections among group members –Reviewed decisions as a team

Team Performance Communication –Meeting Time –Had set up meeting times Decision Making –Different opinions