OSGOODE THS CLASS OF 2012 Parent Council
HANDOUTS TODAY: INFO 2012 & Pamphlet COLLEGE GUIDE FACT SHEET / Useful dates & deadlines All available at
Student Services Staff this year Me (Coop) : A– Ku (Head of Guidance, Career Studies, Co-op, SST & Link Crew) Mrs. B Cranston (Guidance Counsellor): L – S Mrs. K. Wiltse (Guidance Counsellor): S - Z Mr. St-Yves (Head of Special Education) Mrs. Dore – Guidance Secretary
What do we do? - select and schedule high school courses - solve problems in learning, studying or organizing their time (Tutors, Opp. Room, SST) - develop an educational plan appropriate to their abilities, interests and goals - consider educational opportunities after high school - apply to colleges or universities (focus tonight) - find out about financial assistance, scholarships, and bursaries. (Huge these days…lots of opportunities out there…love free money) Career Counseling of all sorts Personal Counseling (Social Work, Psych, IEA, addictions counselor)
ONTARIO UNIVERSITIES Brock2 Waterloo 2 Carleton 29 Ottawa 14 Western1 Guelph 4 Queen’s 4 Laurier 2 Lakehead1 RMC Windsor Laurentia3 Ryerson 1 York1 McMaster Toronto UOIT2 Nipissing2 Trent 2
ONTARIO COLLEGES Algonquin**Cambrian Canadore Centennial ConestogaConfederation Durham Fanshawe FlemmingGeorge Brown* Georgian Humber Kemptville*Lambton Loyalist Michener MohawkNiagara Northern Ridgetown St. ClairSt. Lawrence** Sault Seneca SheridanLa Cite Collegiale
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Degree 3 to 4 years OSSD ENG4U + five 4U/M courses (pre-req’s) OUAC Diploma 2 to 3 years OSSD ENG4C (pre-req’s) OCAS Collaborative Degrees: Algonquin/Ottawa U…Nursing Algonquin/Carleton…Information Technology Algonquin/Carleton…Info Tech/Commerce/SW New at Algonquin: Applied Degrees…Interior Design, E-Business, Photonics
ONTARIO APPRENTICESHIPS Auto Body Auto Service Baker Carpenter Cook Electrician Hairstylist Plumber Refrigeration Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Machinist
ONTARIO APPRENTICESHIPS 1.Find an employer willing to take an apprentice 2.Register at Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (We can help you with the process) Apprentices must be at least 16 and have an OSSD 90% of time is on the job, 10% at College Salary increases as training progresses
$$ FINANCES $$ How much does all of this cost? NOTE: this does not include “social life” funds…
Paying the Bills Savings from work Co-op Programs (Some pay) Scholarships (Our students do really well here) Bursaries Student Loans (OSAP) (May application) You: Mom and Dad ! Grandma and Grandpa Student Line of Credit Lottery???
Scholarships Entrance…automatically based on average of best 6 4U/M eg. Carleton 95+ ……….$4000 x 4 years …...$ …...$ …...$ …...$1000 Prestige...application needed 90% /extracurricular General…apply through Student Services for school nomination or students find them on their own. /
Applying On-line to Ontario’s Universities Ontario Universities’ Application Centre PIN …mid November (Announced by guidance) $105/3 programs+$35 each additional Deadline: January 11th, 2012 THE OTHS DEADLINE – We would like to have all of our student applications in by Christmas break. (Follow up in Jan) – where you can research university programs / compare and contrast them.
Electronic applications preferred – linked directly through school website. Student Services will send your transcript to other post-secondary institutions outside the province. We ask for some advance notice and it is helpful to have your application number or ref. number from the school concerned. Dalhousie2 Memorial1 Liberty (U.S.), U Alberta 1 APPLYING OUT OF PROVINCE
OCAS-Before you dive in Choose your programs before logging on to complete the online application. Research your choices by looking at OCAS and college publications and websites. U p to five program choices are allowed, with no more than three at one college. ! $95/5 programs Apply after October31 Deadline: February 1st but x-mas break is better !
Everything is on our website (guidance tab)… For deadlines, college and university announcements, scholarship info & useful web resources visit We have posted everything there in order to help you & your kids. Further, information guides on the application process are also available. There are some “volunteer hours” opportunities posted weekly…
Thank You Do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Cranston, Mrs. Wiltse or myself if we can help with this important decision process in any way.