990 N Reporting Required of all councils!!!!
Just another form……Why bother? READ ON
Gary Stern here from The Journal News in Westchester/Rockland/Putnam. I'm writing because I am hoping to find out if the NYS Knights of Columbus is letting local units know about their need to file a new form with the IRS or risk losing their tax-exempt status. In our three counties alone, there are 31 K of C units in danger of losing their tax-exempt status if they don't file a 990-N. Several units have already seen the deadline pass. We are writing an article about the thousands of non-profit groups that maybe affected by this. I sent a similar note yesterday to Mr. Weitzman, but figured I would reachout to you as well. All the best, Gary
So How do I Report? 1. Be sure you have an EIN (Social Security Number Organizations) and it is on file with Supreme 2. Register your number with IRS 3. File your report
Step 1 Even if you think you don’t have an EIN as many older councils think. Call Supreme,Kim Phelan will research it for you. She does a great job. 990 Lady at Supreme Kim Phelan
Step 2 Log on to Register as a new user This gives you a User ID and must be done only once. You will get an with a link to login and use your user ID
Step 3 Once you have successfully completed step 2 (activated your user id) Click “Create your form 990 N” on the following screen.
You are Done In the following years you only do step 3.