LIG O HW S Introduction to Bicoherence Monitors: BicoViewer & BicoMon Steve Penn (HWS)
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z2 Why use BicoViewer? Noise Investigations »Step 1: Power Spectral Density (PSD) investigation, done in DTT –Tells you the frequency and power of the noise –If the noise is a “known” source, then you are done »Step 2: Coherence investigation, done in DTT –Tells you the phase correlation between two channels –This gives an indication of the physical coupling between these channel source »Step 3: Bicoherence investigation, done in BicoViewer –Tells you the phase correlation phase correlation at different frequencies, possibly different channels –Indicates the coupling either in the physical system or in the sensing
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z3 Statistics (1) “1D” Statistics: (2 nd Order Cumulants, 1 st Order Spectra) »Correlation: »Power Spectral Density: »Coherence: –Tells us power and phase coherence at a given frequency
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z4 Statistics (2) “2D” Statistics: (3rd Order Cumulants, 2nd Order Spectra) »Bicumulant: »Bispectral Density: »Bicoherence: –Tells us power and phase coherence at a coupled frequency
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z5 Why Higher Order Statistics? For a Gaussian process: For independent processes: Allows for isolation of nonGaussian processes »Visual check of frequency coupling and phase noise »Statistical test for the probability of gaussianity and linearity »Iterative process to reconstruct nongaussian signal from the higher order cumulants
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z6 BicoViewer (Foreground Monitor) Plots Bicoherence (auto- or cross-) & PSD’s of input channels Proper decimation, Optimized windowing, Vectorized FFT User selects: (Channels, Frequency Range, Frequency resolution, Data Span, Overlap) Outputs GIF files. Script to make video. Table of Current and New Parameters with Accuracy & Time Estimates Plot Countdown clock Text File Output Faster Smoothing Routine Heterodyning Strip Chart for Monitoring Bicoherence of certain ROI Output calculation parameters as configuration for BicoMon
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z7 Current Version
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z8 Current Version (2)
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z9 H1:LSC-AS_I movie
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z10 H1:LSC-AS_Q movie
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z11 Online Demo (requires X windows) On Fortress: > /export/home/spenn/BicoViewer new version soon in DMT
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z12 BicoMon: Current Version Monitor integrates bicoherence over specified frequency ROI Calculates bicoherence for multiple channel combinations Integrates bicoherence over multiple specified ROI Integrates bicoherence over entire unique area (Gaussianity) Trends Data and sends to DMTviewer. Included proper decimation with filtering rather than rebinning Tests for Operational State
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z C 2 H1:LSC-AS_Q16384 H1:SUS-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_ALL M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_60_2_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_60_10_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_60_38_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_60_50_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_120_2_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_120_10_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_120_38_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_120_50_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_180_2_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_180_10_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_180_38_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMX_OPLEV_PERROR_180_50_ C 2 H1:LSC-AS_Q16384 H1:SUS-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_ALL M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_60_2_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_60_10_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_60_38_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_60_50_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_120_2_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_120_10_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_120_38_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_120_50_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_180_2_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_180_10_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_180_38_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q-ITMY_OPLEV_PERROR_180_50_ C 1 H1:LSC-AS_Q M Bico:H1:AS_Q_ALL M Bico:H1:AS_Q_120_2_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q_120_10_ M Bico:H1:AS_Q_120_38_ Configuration File Calculation Parameters Measurement Parameters
LIG O HW S LSC Meeting August 2004LIGO DCC G Z14 Conclusions Bicoherence monitors could be a useful tool for analyzing data for glitches, gaussianity, upconversion, and chirps. We are now at sensitivity where up-converted data can be seen BicoMon operational. BicoViewer works (Beta Testers Needed). Beta Test Need: Now that the IFO is at/near a sensitivity to see bicoherence, we need people to use monitor and make bicoherence an analysis tool on par with PSDs or coherence.