Operational Auditing--Fall Auditor Follow-up Role 4 Timely review 4 Share the results 4 Respect auditee’s input 4 Minimize auditee interference 4 Emphasize preventative cost of quality
Operational Auditing--Fall Auditor Follow-up Sequence 4 Read auditee’s response 4 Discuss response with auditee 4 Conduct on-site reviews 4 Reassess the risk 4 Report
Operational Auditing--Fall Win-win Considerations 4 Do not force preferences 4 Focus on the what not the how 4 Avoid operations abandonment 4 Know when to hold them and when to fold them 4 Never attack individuals 4 Resolve verbally first
Operational Auditing--Fall Audit Evaluation 4 General description 4 What worked 4 What did not work 4 Recommendations