Identity Abuse on Campus: A Symposium Elizabeth A. Evans Carolyn M. Kotlas Donna Bailey Abe J. Crystal Terri Buckner University of North Carolina at Chapel HillACM SIGUCCS 2004
Who are we? What is the Internet Impact group?
The Symposium: A Broad Paintbrush Identity abuse, not theft Discussion, not talking heads The Big Questions
The Symposium: Logistics Why identity abuse?
The Symposium: Logistics Why identity abuse? Who was involved?
The Symposium: Logistics Why identity abuse? Who was involved? Length: all day!
The Symposium: Logistics Why identity abuse? Who was involved? Length: all day! Cost
The Symposium: Logistics Why identity abuse? Who was involved? Length: all day! Cost Advertising
The Symposium: Logistics Why identity abuse? Who was involved? Length: all day! Cost Advertising Content in brief
The Symposium: Logistics Why identity abuse? Who was involved? Length: all day! Cost Advertising Content in brief Outcomes
The Symposium: Content in Brief Setting the context: What is identity?
The Symposium: Content in Brief Setting the context: What is identity? Point/Counterpoint
The Symposium: Content in Brief Setting the context: What is identity? Point/Counterpoint Scenarios/stories
The Symposium: Content in Brief Setting the context: What is identity? Point/Counterpoint Scenarios/stories Identity protection checklist
The Symposium: Content in Brief Setting the context: What is identity? Point/Counterpoint Scenarios/stories Identity protection checklist Personal Information on the Internet
The Symposium: Content in Brief Setting the context: What is identity? Point/Counterpoint Scenarios/stories Identity protection checklist Personal Information on the Internet Tips and Techniques (the practical)
The Symposium: Content in Brief Setting the context: What is identity? Point/Counterpoint Scenarios/stories Identity protection checklist Personal Information on the Internet Tips and Techniques (the practical) Wrap-up
Small Group Exercise #1 Marketing Plan Sponsorship
Small Group Exercise #2 Scenarios Checklist
Summaries and Discussion: Small Group Exercises Marketing Plan Sponsorship Scenarios Checklist
Large Group Discussion: Identity Investigation on the Internet For free For fee
Wrap-Up Comments? Questions?