Introduction to the iPod Macintosh Platform FireWire interface 10 Hours of playtime 5GB Hard Drive –Holds 1000 songs
Target Market year olds Macintosh users VALS 2 –Experiencers
Internal Strengths Speed of FireWire MP3 format Capacity Size/Weight Battery Skip protection
Internal Weaknesses $399 Price MP3 format Hard Drive Earphones
Strengths of Competitors Samsung Mini YEPP YP-20T AM/FM Tuner $200
Strengths of Competitors Panasonic SV-SD75 Ankle/Neck wear Good Headphones $250
Strengths of Competitors Toshiba MEA-210 Good Size,Weight $200
Strengths of Competitors Sonicblue Rio Volt SP250 CD/MP3 Player $200
Strengths of Competitors Compaq iPag PA-2 Good weight, size Excellent battery Equalizer $200
External Threats Current economy/$400 price tag Look-alikes MP3 Controversy Competitor products –Windows compatible
External Opportunities Timing of introduction Physical size/capacity Advanced technology Intuitiveness Across-the-board big seller
Objectives and Timing Introduced in October Sell 1,000 by March 2002
Objectives and Timing
Promotion and Advertising In Apple’s price range Distribute through Apple’s website, new stores, catalogs, and other websites Major promotional events at Apple stores
Promotion and Advertising Apple Store Promotions –Allow people to get hands-on experience with iPod –Sunk cost –Surrounded by Macintosh products
Promotion and Advertising TV Commercials –Apple’s history with commercials very positive –‘Everyman’ character –Simplicity and Size –Off-beat commercials
Promotion and Advertising College Campus Promotions –Go to college campuses where this is no Apple store –Allow students to get hands-on use –Free iPod raffled off –Move-in day