Diagrams of CAPM Chapter 10 figures
Correlation coefficient
Portfolio variance In terms of the correlation coefficient
Diversification, minimum variance E(R) A B MV
The case of r = 1
Portfolio expected return
Still = 1
Expected return
Substitute out X B
Diversification, minimum variance E(R) A B MV
Diversification with a risk-free asset E(R) A= risk-free asset B MV
Capital Market Line Expected return of portfolio Standard deviation of portfolio’s return. Risk-free rate (R f ) M... Capital market line. X Y.. Indifference curve preferred
Argument for the security market line Only beta matters A mix of T-Bills and the market can produce any beta. An asset with that beta is no better or worse than the two-fund counterpart Hence it has the same return.
Security Market Line Expected return on security (%) Beta of security RmRm RfRf 1 M. 0.8 S. T. Security market line (SML) S is overvalued. Its price falls T is undervalued. Its price rises...
Exam item What is the interest rate?
Don’t write The interest rate is the time value of money.
Do write: The interest rate is the premium for current delivery of money. P 0 is the price of current money in current money, namely 1. P 1 is the price of time-one money in terms of current money, something <1. P