Patchy Colloids, Proteins and Network Forming Liquids: Analogies and new insights from computer simulations Lyon - CECAM - June Dynamics in patchy colloids and network forming liquids: gels and strong glass-forming liquids Francesco Sciortino
Motivations The fate of the liquid state…. Gels and phase separation: essential features (Sticky colloids - Proteins, network-forming liquids) Models of patchy particles. Why to revisit them ? Thermodynamic and dynamic behavior of new patchy colloids. Clues in understanding dynamics in network forming liquids (Silica, water….) Essential ingredients of “strong behavior” (A. Angell scheme) in glass-forming liquids.
Glass line (D->0) Liquid-Gas Spinodal Binary Mixture LJ particles “Equilibrium” “homogeoues” arrested states only for large packing fraction BMLJ
The general (spherical) case (for hard core complemented by attraction)
N max =4 phase diagram - Isodiffusivity lines
The PMW model J. Kolafa and I. Nezbeda, Mol. Phys (1987) Hard-Sphere + 4 sites (2H, 2LP) Tetrahedral arrangement H-LP interact via a SW Potential, of range 0.15 . V(r) r (length scale) (energy scale) u0u0 Bonding is properly defined --- Lowest energy state is well defined
The PMS Model Ford, Auerbach, Monson, J.Chem.Phys, 8415,121 (2004) Silicon Four sites (tetrahedral) Oxygen Two sites o OO =1.6 SW interaction between Si sites and O sites
Equilibrium phase diagram (PMW)
Pagan and Gunton JCP (2005) Pagan-Gunton
Equilibrium Phase Diagram PSM
Critical Point of PMW GC simulation BOX SIZE= T C = C =0.153
Critical Point of PMS GC simulation BOX SIZE= T C =0.075 C = s=0.45 Critical point PSM
Potential Energy for the PMW Optimal density !
Potential Energy -- Approaching the ground state Progressive increase in packing prevents approach to the GS PMW energy
E-E gs vs. 1/T
Potential Energy along isotherms Optimal density Hints of a LL CP
S(q) in the phase-separation region
S(q) in the network region
PMS -Potential Energy
PMS E vs 1/T
PMS Structure (r-space)
Structure (q-space)
E vs n
Summary of static data Optimal Network Region - Arrhenius Approach to Ground State Region of phase separation Packing Region Phase Separation Region Packing Region
R2 vs t
Diffusion Coefficient
D along isotherms Diffusion Anomalies
Isodiffusivities …. Isodiffusivities (PMW) ….
Si dynamic in PSM
Comparing different potentials Bonded-triples angle
How to compare these (and other) models for tetra- coordinated liquids ? Focus ONLY on the # of 4-coordinated particles (other particles are “bond-mediators”) (#) Length scale ---- nn-distance among 4-coordinated particles (l 44 ) Scaled Density = # (l 44 ) 3 /V Energy scale ---- Tc
Comparing E(n) at low T
Comparing isodiffusivity lines
Analogies with other network-forming potentials SPC/E ST2 (Poole) BKS silica (Saika-Voivod) Faster on compression Slower on compression
Water Phase Diagram ~ 0.34
Comments Directional interaction and limited valency are essential ingredients for offering a new final fate to the liquid state and in particular to arrested states at low The resulting low T liquid state is (along isochores) a strong liquid. Directional bonding is essential for being strong. Gels and strong liquids are two faces of the same medal.
Graphic Summary Two glass lines ? Strong liquids - Gels Arrest line Fragile Liquids - Colloidal Glasses
Coworkers: Cristiano De Michele (PMW,PMS) Simone Gabrielli (PMW) Piero Tartaglia Emanuela Zaccarelli
Gelation as a result of phase separation (interrupted by the glass transition) T T
Density Anomalies… (and possible 2’nd CP) Density anomalies
D vs (1-p b )
D vs (1-p b ) --- (MC) D ~ f 0 4 ~(Stanley-Teixeira)
G. Foffi, E. Zaccarelli, S. V. Buldyrev, F. Sciortino, P. Tartaglia Aging in short range attractive colloids: A numerical study J. Chem. Phys. 120, 1824, 2004 Foffi aging