Joule-Thomson Expansion Physics 313 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 21
Exercise #20 Maxwell’s Relations Use Maxwell’s relation to find ( s/ P) T ( s/ P) T = - ( v/dT) P P(v-b) = RT ( v/dT) P = R/P Verify relation Find s for T = 250 C and P = 200 and 400 kPa Find v for P = 300 kPa and T = 200 and 300 C ( / ) = - ( / )
Phase Transition Processes Some substances will easily undergo phase transitions at standard pressure Many more materials only become liquid or solid at very low temperatures how are these temperatures achieved?
Joule-Thompson Expansion Force a fluid through a narrow plug by maintaining unequal pressures Can be achieved by a pump circulating fluid through a pipe with an expansion valve in the middle
Throttling and Enthalpy Apply first law: U = U f -U i = W + Q W = -(P f V f - P i V i ) H i = H f For continuous throttling h = enthalpy per mole (specific enthalpy)
Isenthalpic Curve If a throttling process is performed, P i, T i and P f, T f can be recorded The plot of P i, T i and all of the P f,T f ’s is called the isenthalpic curve A series of isenthalpic curves can be produced for a substance
Inversion Curve Each curve has two regions T f >T i T f < T i = (dT/dP) h
Effects of Throttling For a given initial point, the final temperature depends on the final point on the isenthalpic curve For > 0 For < 0 Throttling can either heat or cool a fluid
Joule-Thomson Coefficient An expression for can be derived from dh and the second T ds equation The slope of an isenthalpic line can be found if you know c P, T, v and how the volume changes with temperature at that point
Liquefying Gasses In order to cool a gas, its temperature must start below the maximum inversion temperature T M.I. is near room temperature for many gasses Some gasses have to be pre-cooled
Heat Exchanger How is gas liquefied? Run at high pressure (P i ) through a heat exchanger Cold gas runs back through the heat exchanger cooling the incoming gas May be pre-cooled before cycle begins
Enthalpy and Liquefaction If fraction y of the gas is liquefied and fraction 1-y is returned, what is enthalpy balance? y = (h f - h i ) / (h f - h L ) To increase amount of gas liquefied, need to decrease h i Initial point should start on the inversion curve to maximize efficiency
TS Diagram A TS diagram can be produced showing isobars and isenthalps Can see that T drops most rapidly at low T and low h
Applications Advantage is a large drop in T with P at low temperature Often used as the last stage of a cooling process