1. Objectives After this session, you should be able to:  Describe HSC’s mentorship program  Identify expectations and responsibilities of mentors/mentees.


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Presentation transcript:


Objectives After this session, you should be able to:  Describe HSC’s mentorship program  Identify expectations and responsibilities of mentors/mentees  Explain strategies to build the mentoring relationship  Name developmental opportunities available to you as you pursue your goals  Understand more about your mentoring partner and how to communicate effectively  Describe your initial action plan 2

Break Out Sessions Record your group’s responses below: 1.What are your responsibilities as a mentor/mentee? 2.What are your expectations of your mentor/mentee? 3.What potential issues/concerns can you anticipate? What are possible solutions for these issues/concerns? 4.How can you develop mutual trust and respect with your mentor/mentee? 3

Considerations for Mentoring Partnership Attend Brown Bag lunches together Mentor shares work experiences that have contributed to success Mentor recommends books or training that might be helpful Mentor shares knowledge of UNM HSC Mentee observes mentor giving a presentation or facilitating a meeting Mentor invites mentee to attend professional meetings, internal or external to UNM Lunch meeting with mentor, mentee, and other professionals to discuss everyday challenges

Action Plan Considerations Exchange contact information, i.e., phone numbers and address What is the best way to ensure regular communication? Who will initiate contact? What are good times and places to meet? What will we do at our meetings? We will attend the Brown Bag Sessions as identified on the HSC Mentoring Partnership Timeline Our first meeting will be? Discuss how you will handle scheduling conflicts that arise 5

Goal Setting With mentor’s help, the mentee should set at least 5 goals. Some may be accomplished in a month; some may require the entire 9 months. We recommend using the following outline to develop goals. EXAMPLE: WHAT? (Statement of objective) Expand knowledge of UNM HSC in general and my department in particular WHY? (Your reasons) WHEN? (start/completion dates) HOW? (actions required with dates) What: Why: When: How:

Resources Web Resources Contact Name Pug Burge, Associate Vice President for HSC Administration (505) , 7