1 DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS & TOOLS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE IN TOURIST ACCOMODATION SECTOR IN JORDAN – IMPLEMENTATION OF PILOT STUDIES LIFE05 TCY/HKJ/ –GREEN - TAS Determination of the environmental problems that are related to the hotel accommodation service Hashemite University Dead Sea,14 October 2006 Dr. Yahya A. Ali
2 Hotel classificationNumber of hotelsSample size Total A stratified sample was drawn from all classified hotels distributed as following: Sample:
3 Major results: A. guests:
4 Figure 1:
5 Figure 2:
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12 Hotels
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24 tour operators
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28 Conclusions: guests The results show high level of concern toward the environment among all guests in the hotels. The hotels classification is an important indicator when addressing the issue of environment. the majority of the respondents (guests) in all hotels strongly agree and agree that recycling is an effective way to protect the environment, which points to the high level of awareness among hotels guests in general regardless of the hotel classification
29 Conclusions: guests The respondents were split into two groups in their willingness to pay slightly higher taxes to better protect the environment. The respondents were very much in support with the idea of reducing energy consumption by using energy efficient appliances.
30 Conclusions: guests The respondents show an interesting agreement of using recycled treated wastewater for the irrigation of hotel landscaping and golf courses. The results show a general agreement among respondents of the five star hotels expressing their high positive evaluation of the water quality in these hotels.
31 Conclusions: guests The results show a general agreement among respondents of the five star hotels expressing their high positive evaluation of the air quality in these hotels. Majority of the guests (67.8%), regardless of hotel classification, showed a high level of awareness when using the room light.
32 Most of the hotels were to a great extent willing to undertake a comprehensive environmental program in their hotel. Most of the hotels (74.9%) are willing to great extent to reduce energy consumption by using energy efficient appliances. Conclusions: Hotels
33 Conclusions: Hotels In general most of all hotels, regardless of their classification, were willing to great extent to do some modifications in their hotel to get an environmental certificate. More than 80% of hotels mentioned that their hotel has an environmental policy plan. Around 27% of the hotels not very willing to recycle waste water for watering gardens in their hotel to better protect the environment.
34 Conclusions: Hotels More than 50% of hotels strongly agree that hotels located near to historical and archaeological sites might increase the opportunity for their degradation. 31.2% of hotels believe that hotels overuse of chemicals in its operations and as a result generate toxic waste.
35 Conclusions: Hotels The results show that 60.0% of hotels regularly purchase reusable and durable products. Water conservation practices were among other parameters that appeared to have an importance among hotels in general. Recycling is one of the important measures of environmental concern. The results show a low commitment of hotels in this regard.
36 Tour operators expressed high level of concern toward the environment. Majority of tour operators prefer to send tourists to a hotel that cares about the environment. Majority of tour operators believe that hotels do not have an environmental policy plan. Conclusions: tour operators
37 Conclusions: tour operators Half of tour operators focus on quality of service in their advertisements. Tour operators split into two major groups with regard to the questions that hotels located near to historical and archaeological sites might increase the opportunity for their degradation.
38 Thank you