Mathematical Models and Novelty in Steels Tata Steel Jamshedpur
teraT gigaG megaM kilok1 000 hectoh1 00 decada1 0 1 decid0.1 centic0.01 millim0.001 micro nanon picop
Problem: to design a bulk nanocrystalline steel which is very strong, tough, cheap ….
Brenner, 1956
Scifer, 5.5 GPa and ductile Kobe Steel
1 Denier: weight in grams, of 9 km of fibre Denier Scifer is 9 Denier
Morinobu Endo, 2004
Claimed strength of carbon nanotube is 130 GPa Edwards, Acta Astronautica, 2000 Claimed modulus is 1.2 TPa Terrones et al., Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 2004
Equilibrium number of defects (10 20 ) Strength of a nanotube rope 2 mm long is less than 2000 MPa
Strength produced by deformation limits shape: wires, sheets... Strength in small particles relies on perfection. Doomed as size increases. Summary
Smallest size possible in polycrystalline substance?
Yokota & Bhadeshia, 2004
Thermomechanical processing limited by recalescence Summary Need to store the heat Reduce rate Transform at low temperature
Swallow and Bhadeshia, 1996
cementite forced to inherit the substitutional solutes in parent Lord, Bhadeshia, Svensson, 2003
Kozeschnik & Bhadeshia, 2005
Temperature / °C Lengthening rate / m s -1 Bhadeshia, 1985
Quasichemical approximation, atoms are not distributed at random. Pairs of atoms are treated as independent entities Solution models
Distant and near-neighbours
Reference state Chen, Hansip & Bhadeshia, 2004
2.17 eV eV Chen, Hansip & Bhadeshia, 2004
Bhadeshia, 1981
Carbon / wt% Temperature / K Fe-2Si-3Mn-C wt% B S M S
1.E+00 1.E+04 1.E Carbon / wt% Time / s Fe-2Si-3Mn-C wt% 1 month 1 year
Chatterjee & Bhadeshia, 2004 Fe-1.75C-Si-Mn wt%
wt% Low transformation temperature Bainitic hardenability Reasonable transformation time Elimination of cementite Austenite grain size control Avoidance of temper embrittlement
Temperature Time 1200 o C 2 days 1000 o C 15 min Isothermal transformation 125 o C-325 o C hours-months slow cooling Air cooling Quench AustenitisationHomogenisation
E+001.E+021.E+041.E+061.E+08 Time / s Temperature/ o C B S ~ 350 o C M S = 120 o C
200 Å Mateo, 2002
Low temperature transformation: 0.25 T/T m Fine microstructure: nm thick plates Harder than most martensites (710 HV) Carbide-free Designed using theory alone
200 Å Very strong Huge uniform ductility No deformation No rapid cooling No residual stresses Cheap Uniform in very large sections
Hammond and Cross, 2004 Velocity km s -1 Stress / GPa
“more serious battlefield threats”
ballistic mass efficiency consider unit area of armour
Charpy fatigue corrosion tensile critical stress intensity
non-linear functions
Brun, Robson, Narayan, MacKay & Bhadeshia, 1998
Kimura et al., 2001
precipitates solid solution iron + microstructure 550 °C 600 °C Murugananth & Bhadeshia, 2001 Components of Creep Strength, 2.25Cr1Mo
Howard Stone