EPH7112 Research Methodology K-Chart Construction EPH7112 Research Methodology
CONTENTS The K-Chart Layers Constructing the General Title Defining the System under Study Construction the Scope Layer Constructing the Methodology Layer Constructing the Results Layer Conclusion
STEP 1: CONSTRUCTING THE GENERAL TITLE A title should indicate: The systems you are working on The problems you are solving Your achievements Your methodology For general title: No achievements (obviously..) Less general for Project Title Specific for Paper Title
DEFINING THE SYSTEM UNDER STUDY It is very important to understand your SYSTEM under STUDY (SuS) Everything that exhibits character/behavior is a SYSTEM It can be hardware, software, a group of people etc. A SYSTEM is made up of SUB-SYSTEMS OR ELEMENTS A SYSTEM’s performance (i.e. behavior) is influenced by 1. external INPUTS, and 2. properties of the ELEMENTS
IMPORTANCE OF SYSTEM UNDER STUDY It helps to identify The General Title The Scope of Issues The Performance Parameter (PP) The Design Parameter (DP) Essentially, SuS summarizes the whole study
Modeling Systems Under Study System under Study (SuS) Element 1 OUTPUTS INPUTS Element 2 Element N
SAMPLE SYSTEMS AND ELEMENTS Bil SYSTEM ELEMENTS SUB-ELEMENTS 1. Car Body; Engine; Tire Body: Hood, Bonnet, Chassis Engine: Piston, Shafts, 2. Computer Software; Casing; Electronics; Software: Operating Systems, Applications 3. Human Physical body, Mind; Soul Physical: Head, Limbs, Torso etc 4. School Buildings; Teachers; Students; Administrators; Rules; Curriculum; Buildings: Admin., Classrooms, Halls 5. Tourism Industry Tourists; Hotels; Transportations; Rules Tourists: Local, Foreign
SAMPLE GENERAL TITLES Optical sensors for oil and gas pipes SYSTEM PROBLEMS TO SOLVE METHODOLOGY Optical sensors for oil and gas pipes Unclear; has to do with oil and gas in pipes Unclear Development of a smart condition monitoring system Smart Condition monitoring system Smartness Monitoring fatigue conditions in civil structures Fatigue monitoring Solar based automatic temperature control system for vehicles Solar powered Factors influencing the performance of motor vehicles Motor Vehicles performance
STEP 2: CONSTRUCTING SCOPE LAYERS Scope Layers consist of two parts: System level issues 2. Sub-system or Element level issues SYSTEM Level Issues Begin the 1st layer with the SYSTEM For the next layers, identify the types or applications of the SYSTEM Continue Step 2 until you exhaust the types/applications of the SYSTEM SUB-SYSTEM OR ELEMENT Level Issues 4. At the next layer after the last layer of SYSTEM level issues, identify the next SUB-SYSTEMS/ELEMENTS of the SYSTEM 5. For the next layers, identify the types or applications of the SUB-SYSTEM 6. Continue Step 5 until you exhaust the types/applications of the SUB-SYSTEM
Factors Influencing the Performance of Motor Vehicles The SCOPE Layers Sub Issues 2: Types Sub Issues 3: Types SUB-SYSTEMS or ELEMENTS of Sedan Cars Sub Issues 1: Applications Vehicles Land Sea Motorcycles Air Cars Trucks Mini Sedan Wagon Vans Engine Body Tire Factors Influencing the Performance of Motor Vehicles General Topic The SYSTEM
Notice! The more detail the layers, the less the assumption, the better Every time there is a jump between the layers, an assumption is made (thus, a justification is required as to the validity of the assumption) One can choose any way he/she likes to arrange the sequence of layers However, Issues of the same theme should be in the same layer (apply the layering checking mechanism) Perform extensive literature reviews
HOW TO CHOOSE AN OPTION Availability of Expertise Availability of Facility Required Cost Level of Novelty Required Time
Step 3: The METHODOLOGY Layers 7. For the 1st Methodology Layer, identify and choose the General Methods to use i.e Theory, Simulation, Experiment, Survey 8. For the subsequent layers, identify and choose the test environments, the level of prototypes, and the techniques to use Methodologies Simulation Experiment Theory Survey Lab. Tests Field Tests Lab Prototype Eng. Prototype Commercial Prototype Measurement Techn.1 Measurement Techn.2 Measurement Techn.3
Step 4: The RESULTS Layers The RESULTS Layers consist of Performance Parameters (PP) followed by Design Parameters (DP). 9. Identify PPs. PPs are associated with the Outputs 10. Identify DPs under the corresponding PPs. DPs are associated with the Inputs, and with the properties of the Elements/Sub-elements 11. Identify the ones with higher priorities (dotted lines) Results: Performance Parameters Pressure Speed Design Parameters Acceleration Tire Width Tire Height Fuel consumption Tire Pressure
TIMELINES Results: Performance Parameters Pressure Speed Design Parameters Acceleration Tire Width Tire Height Fuel consumption P A% JAN 20 MAR 40 MAY 100 30 JUL 50 SEP 80 NOV
Factors Influencing the Performance of Motor Vehicles GENERAL TITLE SYSTEM Vehicles Sub Issues 1: App. based Air Land Sea Sub Issues 2: Types based Motorcycles Cars Trucks Vans Sub Issues 3: Types based Mini Sedan Wagon ELEMENTS Engine Body Tire METHODOLOGIES Theory Experiment Simulation Survey Lab. Tests Field Tests Lab. prototype Eng. prototype Commercial prototype Meas. Techn.1 Meas. Techn.2 Meas. Techn.3 RESULTS: Performance Parameters Acceleration Fuel consumption Speed Design Parameters Pressure Tire Height Tire Width Tire Pressure Tire Width
CONCLUSION A K-Chart is constructed based on Tree Diagram concept; focus and expand Understanding the System under Study is very important Literature Reviews are required along the process It is important to reduce ambiguity by detailing the layers