1Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Data Challenge Requirements First list of requirements, based on Yagmur’s document: u Almost certainly incomplete, please look at it and add detail! In the coming week or two need to assign people to individual tasks, a “progress-o-meter” similar to that used in past software workshops will be established on the MICE website and will be used for the next three workshops (up to CM16). For each of the 20 areas in the coming slides, I have “volunteered” a victim. This is not the final assignment, but it means we have a “baseline” person for each task!
2Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Input Beam Distributions Famous 3x3 matrix of emittance and beam momentum. We need to know: u What format will the input distributions be in? s TURTLE? s ICOOL? s Something else? u Who will deliver the distributions? s Chris? s Kevin? s Someone else? For now – responsibility for defining the input file format, ensuring that MICEPrimaryGeneratorAction can read it will go to Chris Rogers.
3Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Trigger Analysis group will define one or more trigger conditions. Trigger code will need to be added to Simulation, so that after an event is simulated, a decision will be made as to whether or not the event will be written out for later Digitisation. I need a volunteer to be responsible for this task. For now – responsibility will go to Yagmur Torun.
4Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 EM Model Field map tools have recently been migrated to use the MiceModules scheme. We need to demonstrate the accurate simulation of the fields from the quadrupoles, solenoids and RF cavities as well as the ability to use field maps to simulate the effect of the various Fe shield configurations. For now – responsibility for this will go to Chris Rogers.
5Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Collimation Unsure what is needed here, need further input from analysis group. Do we need to simulate extra collimating material? (Easy with new MiceModule scheme). Do we want to actively collimate on the basis of (for example) position passing through virtual planes? For now – responsibility will go to Yagmur Torun.
6Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 CKOV The Analysis group have requested that the CKOV be simulated, digitised and reconstructed and that the recosntructed CKOV information be used in the global analysis. This requires that the CKOV be accurately modeled and code written for each level of analysis. At the moment, we have no person to do this. Hopefully the PID group can provide someone (or some people?) to do this work. For now – responsibility will go to Vittorio Palladino.
7Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 TOF0/1/2 Progress is already being made on the TOF code. Responsibility for all levels of TOF code and data files goes to Aron Fish.
8Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 EmCal The EmCal description is currently being migrated to the MiceModules scheme. Responsibility for all aspects of the EmCal code and data files will go to Rikard Sandstrom.
9Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Tracker The Tracker code is currently in the process of being cleaned up and upgraded. Responsibility for all aspects of the tracker code will go to Malcolm Ellis.
10Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 RF Background The RF Background model, generation, i/o and use in the Simulation already exists, but needs to be verified. This code was written by Rikard, however I propose that from now on, responsibility for the RF background simulation, i/o and files will go to Terry Hart, with help from Rikard.
11Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Materials in Cooling Channel The models of the precise shapes/thicknesses/chemical and physical properties/etc of the material in the cooling channel needs to be as accurate as possible. There have recently been upgrades of the MiceModules models to improve this, however there are a number of areas (e.g. the windows) that can probably benefit from further work. There may also be a need to study the effect of (for example) variation in the LH2 density? Responsibility for this will go to Yagmur Torun.
12Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Virtual Detectors Virtual Detectors will be needed to be defined for analysis purposes. There is an existing Virtual Detectors scheme. We need to check whether this existing scheme is sufficient or if there are other needs of the Analysis group. Responsibility for the Virtual Detectors will go to Chris Rogers.
13Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Misalignments With the new MiceModules scheme, we can define an arbitrary number of combinations of misalignments in position and/or rotation. The analysis group will need to define exactly which misalignments need to be studied, for each stage of MICE that will be simulated. Once the mis-alignments are defined, someone from the Software group will implement them in data files. I need a volunteer for this. For now, responsibility for this will go to Malcolm Ellis.
14Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Detector FEE The tracker FEE is already well defined, however the same is not true for the PID detectors. Each of the sub detector responsibles (EmCal – Sandstrom, TOF – Fish, CKOV – Palladino, Tracker – Ellis ) will be responsible for ensuring that the digitisation uses the most accurate available information to simulate the FEE.
15Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Track swimmer (realistic fields) The ability to propogate a track through a non-uniform magnetic field (swimming) is needed for global matching and PID. The Kalman package currently does not have this ability, however work is in progress to add this functionality. Responsibility for this will go to Malcolm Ellis.
16Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Full fitting/matching Once the highest level reconstruction is performed for each of the individual detectors, a global matching will be performed. The results from this matching will then be available for offline anlaysis (e.g. to perform PID). For now, responsibility for global fitting and matching remains with Aron Fish. (Although in reality all the detector responsibles need to be heavilty involved!!!).
17Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Global PID Once the matching has been performed and various physical quantities have been determined, at least one algorithm to perform particle identification is needed. As he has done all the work so far (mainly on the EmCal), the responsibility for the global PID will go to Rikard Sandstrom.
18Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Data weighting/virtual beam algs The analysis will require one or more means of selecting a virtual bunch, with or without weighting. As he has done all the work done so far, responsibility for this will go to Chris Rogers.
19Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Performance Indicators The Analysis group will define one or more means through which the cooling channel performance can be measured (e.g. transmission, emittance, phase space density, amplitude, etc, etc...) Responsibility for defining the means of measuring performance will go to Yagmur Torun. Responsibility for implementing the code required to perform the calculations will go to Chris Rogers.
20Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 User defined cuts/functions If user defined cuts are required prior to calculating emittances, etc, then these will need to be defined and implemented in the Analysis package. Responsibility for defining the means of measuring performance will go to Yagmur Torun. Responsibility for implementing the code required to perform the calculations will go to Chris Rogers.
21Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Computing resources Once the exact classes needed are defined (see next slide) and the average output data size has been determined for a range of plausible cases, and CPU use determined, we will be able to estimate (from the Analysis Group’s run plan) the total CPU and disk requirements for this challenge. The plan is to use the MICE VO in order to perform all or most of this challenge. Responsibility for the computing resources will go to Paul Kyberd.
22Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 G4MICE Classes At the next meeting we will try to define the full list of classes that are needed for this analysis and ensure that they are all made persistent correctly. Overall responsibility for the Persist package will remain with Lara Howlett.
23Malcolm Ellis - Software Meeting - 31st May 2006 Volunteers Needed! So far, we have identified the “big picture” items that need to be addressed, and put someone’s name on each. At the next meeting, these items will be investigated in depth and a complete list of tasks developed. It is already clear, however, that we have lots to do, and so far only a small number of people doing it. Please let me know if you can help! u Chris Rogers x 6 u Yagmur Torun x 5 u Vittorio Palladino u Aron Fish x 3 u Rikard Sandstrom x 3 u Malcolm Ellis x 4 u Terry Hart u Paul Kyberd u Lara Howlett