TC 310 The Computer in Technical Communication Dr. Jennifer Turns Week 5, Day 1 (4/28)
Day 9 By the end of class, students should be able to: –Identify lessons acquired from the HTML assignment –Identify the requirements for assignment 6 (Dreamweaver) –Configure Dreamweaver for a single site –Use basic Dreamweaver functionality to create/edit a site. What we’ll do… –Explore web pages created for assignment 5 –Conduct mid-quarter course evaluation. –Introduce Assignment 6 (Dreamweaver) –Introduction to Dreamweaver
Looking backward and forward Where we’ve been Activated UW Web Publishing Gained experience with HTML Practiced publishing HTML files with FTP Practiced debugging HMTL code Emphasized web pages Where we’re going Work on multiple page sites Use Dreamweaver to manage HTML Explore design strategies made easier with Dreamweaver
What is a website. Definition –A website is a collection of html pages that contain references to each other, and the images, movies, animations, etc. referred to by the pages. A website can exist –Locally and Remotely On a machine you work on directly or one you connect to via FTP –Accessible or Inaccessible to the Internet Although for external parties to see the pages, they much ultimately reside on a machine connected to the Internet
Planning a website Planning a website consists of determining the number of pages and the relationships among those pages. What benefits are gained by planning the website before starting the actual coding of a site?
Thinking about Dreamweaver.. How does Dreamweaver facilitate web page / web site design?
The rest of the tutorial Getting familiar with Dreamweaver Update the site with simple edits Publish the “TC-Topics-Web” website Extend site with a third page, and publish
Looking Ahead Due Dates –Assignment 6 Monday (5/2) By class –Includes: Solution Key Features Design Rationale Learning Reflection Next Class –In Lab: More on Dreamweaver –In Classroom: Strategizing on the Dreamweaver assignment (2:30-2:50)
Hints Practice moving your site to another location –Move the website’s folder (or sites folder), then –Redefine the site in Dreamweaver (Site>NewSite). This will ensure that you know are comfortable with the “define a site” functionality. Know where you are saving your site. – I recommend that you save your websites in a consistent place (such as a folder called U:\sites\mysite (where mysite represents the name of the folder containing your site) –You can save the site almost anywhere –If you choose to save the site at another location, be aware of where you are saving it!
More Hints! File references in HTML are case sensitive –If a link/URL is not working, check that you have the right combination of upper and lowercase letters! Test (publish) early and often –Be successful early –Extend your successes