Number Of Delegates Elected at Congressional District Conventions 93 delegates Elected at State Convention 31 delegates & 12 alternates 15 party leader/elected official delegates North Carolina DNC Members, our Governor and Democratic members of Congress are automatically delegates Total: 158 delegates, 12 alternates North Carolina Democratic Party
Submit Notice of Candidacy (available at Be a registered Democrat residing in the precinct listed on candidacy form Declare Presidential preference or select “uncommitted” If selected, you must attend a mandatory meeting of the NC Delegation immediately after the adjournment of the State Convention on June 26 North Carolina Democratic Party
Deadlines Notice of Candidacy must be received by: April 27, 2012 at 5 pm to run at district convention June 1, 2012 at 5 pm to run at state convention or as a party leader/elected official* * To run as a Party Leader/Elected Official, you must currently hold an appointed or elected party office at the precinct, county, district or state level, or be a member of the Democratic State Executive Committee or Executive Council or currently hold an elective public office. North Carolina Democratic Party
Cost No Fees to run Delegates are responsible for all travel and expenses incurred to attend the National Convention Once at the Convention, many meals and transportation costs are covered The financial assistance committee will attempt to help with fund assistance for delegates and alternates who otherwise would find it financially impossible to attend the National Convention. North Carolina Democratic Party
The Selection Process To be considered for election, all candidates for delegate must be approved by the Presidential candidate’s authorized representative Presidential Candidates must approve at least 3 at the District Level and 2 for At-large for each potential delegate position to be elected Once approved, candidates for delegate will then be considered for election at District and/or State Convention North Carolina Democratic Party
Party Organization Precinct Meetings March 6 Open to any registered Democrat residing in the precinct Delegates to County Convention elected At the County Convention, precincts have 1 vote for each 100 votes cast in that precinct for Democratic Governor in 2008 County Convention April 14 Delegates to Congressional District Convention elected Delegates to the State Convention Elected North Carolina Democratic Party
District Conventions Congressional District Conventions May 19 93 delegates and 12 alternates to the National Convention elected At the District Convention, counties have 1 vote for each 300 votes cast in that Congressional District for Democratic Governor in 2008 North Carolina Democratic Party
Delegate Allocation by District North Carolina Democratic Party DistrictDelegatesTotals MalesFemalesDelegates First44 8 Second34 7 Third33 6 Fourth56 11 Fifth33 6 Sixth32 5 Seventh43 7 Eighth33 6 Ninth34 7 Tenth32 5 Eleventh34 7 Twelfth54 9 Thirteenth45 9 Totals464793
Primary Election May 8 Delegates are apportioned based upon 2008 election results Candidate must get at least 15% of the vote in a district to have district-level delegates In North Carolina, voters can select “uncommitted” on the primary ballot Uncommitted must be at least 15% of the vote in a district to have uncommitted district- level delegates North Carolina Democratic Party
District Convention May 19 District Convention delegates declare their Presidential preference upon registering District Convention delegates vote on National Convention Delegates pledged to this Presidential Candidate
State Convention June 16 State Convention Delegates do not declare a Presidential preference but vote on the entire ballot Ballots will be created to ensure that the North Carolina delegation reflects the diversity goals of the Affirmative Action and Delegate Selection Committee
Important Dates March 6 Precinct Meetings April 14 County Conventions April 27 Deadline for filing Notice of Candidacy forms for district level delegate or alternate May 19 District Conventions June 1 Deadline for filing Notice of Candidacy forms for at-large and/or party leader/elected official delegate or alternate positions June 16 State Convention in Raleigh. Mandatory meeting of national delegates and alternates immediately following the State Convention September 3-7 Democratic National Convention, Time Warner Arena, Charlotte, NC North Carolina Democratic Party
Complete plan and online application North Carolina Democratic Party