Tony Hoare ¢ Turing Award 1980 ¢ Program Verification ¢ Algol 60 ¢ Axiomatic Semantics ¢ Floyd-Hoare Logic ¢ Concurrent Programs ¢ Communicating Sequential Processes: CSP ¢ Microsoft: ¢ Assertions in large programs
Robin Milner ¢ Turing Award 1991 ¢ Program Verification ¢ ML ¢ Semantics of Languages ¢ SML ¢ Process Algebra ¢ CCP: Concurrent Communicating Processes ¢ Models of Interactions ¢ Mobile Agents, Pi Calculus
Java & UML ¢ Java Programming Language ¢ Unified Modelling Language ¢ Object-Oriented Analysis, Design & Implementation ¢ Software Engineering Process ¢ CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) Tools
Java ¢ Object-Oriented Programming Language ¢ ¢ (Java Development Kit): ¢ Virtual Machine ¢ JIT: Just In Time Compiler ¢ API: Application Program Interface ¢ JavaDoc: Program documentation ¢ Applets ¢ Servelets ¢ RMI: Remote Module Interchange
JAS: Java Application Studio ¢ JAS (April 2001) ¢ Offline analysis of HEP data ¢ Independence from data format ¢ Consistent GUI: (Graphical User Interface) ¢ User Analysis Modules ¢ Histogram & Scatterplot Display ¢
Wired: World Wide Web Interactive Remote Event Display ¢ Framework to build High Energy Physics Event Display ¢ Written in Java (JDK1.3) ¢ Version (May 2001) ¢ Open Source ¢ wired2
MassToy ¢ Theoretical Experiment on Neutrino Mass Matrices ¢ Java code ¢ Author: Juha Peltoniemi (Finland) ¢ ¢ Masud Chaichian (Professor at Helsinki) ¢ Research student of Prof. Euan Squires at Durham University (UK) in early 1970s ¢ I worked under Euan at Durham (69-71), but was too busy teaching (Electromagnetic theory)
Booch Method ¢ Object Model (Grady Booch): ¢ Abstraction ¢ Encapsulation ¢ Modularity ¢ Hierarchy ¢ Typing ¢ Concurrency ¢ Persistence ¢ Class: Booch Clouds ¢ Rational Software Corporation
OMT:Object Modeling Technique ¢ OMT (James Rumbaugh): ¢ Analysis ¢ Object Model ¢ Dynamic Model ¢ Functional Model ¢ Analysis Document ¢ System Design ¢ System Design Document ¢ Object Design ¢ Object Design Document ¢ Rational Software Corporation
OOSE: Object Oriented Soft. Eng. ¢ OOSE (Ivar Jacobson) ¢ Requirements Analysis ¢ Use Cases, Actors ¢ Analysis ¢ Interface, entity, control ¢ Design ¢ Interaction, Block, Subsystem ¢ Implementation ¢ Components ¢ Testing ¢ Rational Software Corporation
UML ¢ Unified Modelling Language ¢ Unification of Booch, Rumbaugh, Jacobson, & others ¢ Notation for Object-Oriented Analysis & Design ¢ Diagrams & Texts (Specification & Constraintss) ¢ Language Extensions ¢ CASE Tools (Rose) ¢ CORBA, Components ¢ Design Patterns, Reuse ¢ OMG (Object Management Group) Standard (1.4) ¢ Semantics ?: (Use Abstract State Machine, ASM)