Location Aware Devices (cont’d) Landmarks and LandmarkStore ProximityListener
Landmarks Representation of a known location and name Selected Methods // constructor Landmark(String name, String description, QualifiedCoordinates coords, AddressInfo address); AddressInfo getAddressInfo() String getDescription() String getName() String getQualifiedCoordinates() // respective set methods are also available
Landmark Store Provides a mechanism for persistent storage of landmarks All Landmark Stores are shared between MIDlets // constructor Enumeration getLandmarks() Landmark getInstance(String storeName) void createLandmarkStore() String[] listLandmarkStores();
Landmark Store Provides a mechanism for persistent storage of landmarks All Landmark Stores are shared between MIDlets // constructor Enumeration getLandmarks() Landmark getInstance(String storeName) void createLandmarkStore() String[] listLandmarkStores();