EDG WP7 Networking Demonstration uDemonstration sending HEP data CERN to SARA Multiple streams of TCP packets Tuned TCP parameters: ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 1000 TCP buffer size to match the BW * rtt Different TCP stacks: Standard TCP Fast TCP Scalable TCP Checks on Gigabit switches and Routers uDemonstration sending HEP Monte Carlo data SARA to CERN
European Topology: NRNs, Geant, Sites SuperJANET4 CERN Sara & UvA RAL SURFnet
The Works: Raid0 Disc Data over TCP Streams Raid0 Disc GridFTP Dante Monitoring Node Monitoring Site Monitoring
UDP Throughput on the Production WAN Manc-UvA SARA 750 Mbit/s SJANET4 + Geant + SURFnet 75% Manchester Access link Manc-UvA SARA 825 Mbit/s
Traffic QoS Classes on GÉANT Backbone uNormal Traffic uNormal Traffic + uLess Than Best Effort 2.0 Gbit/s uNormal Traffic + uRadio Astronomy Data 500 Mbit/s uNormal Traffic + uRadio Astronomy Data + uLess Than Best Effort 2.0 Gbit/s
Acknowledgements uBoston Ltd supply of the SuperMicro servers & donation of SCSI disks and backplane Dev, Alex Tyagi, Gili-Ross uBrunell University Peter van Santen uJIVE Steve Parsley, Sergei Pogrebenko uMetsähovi Radio Observatory Ari Mujunen uSURFnet & Universiteit van Amsterdam Pieter de Boer, Erik.Radius, Cees de Laat, Mieke van de Berg uUKERNA Robin Arrack, Bob Day, Jeremy Sharp uUniversity of Manchester Richard Hughes-Jones, Ralph Spencer, Paul Burgess Robin Hughes-Jones Design of web interface (Undergraduate, Oxford University)
Gigabit TCP Throughput on the Production WAN Throughput vs TCP buffer size TCP window sizes in Mbytes calculated from RTT*bandwidth LinkRound trip time ms TCP Window for BW 1 Gbit/s TCP Window for UDP BW 750 Mbit/s TCP Window for UDP BW 460 Mbit/s Man – Ams Man - CERN
UDP Throughput: SLAC - Man SLAC – Manc 470 Mbit/s 75% of the 622 Mbit access link SuperJANET4 peers with ESnet at 622Mbit in NY