LaguniCambriSilomaLowelKeley Hank Korth Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Lehigh University
The “core” of the DBMS The basic architecture of a database system is under threat from changes in computer architecture –multicore, multithread, multiblade, multi-etc The main product of our field is viewed as a “heavyweight” solution and it could become heavier, not lighter –we’re working on this, but the improvement are not on a pace to track the hardware roadmap
Applications Lots of hot applications How can our community offer something distinct from other CS communities? Are we addressing the real problem or using the application as a reason to address problems we are already working on?
World-Wide Water Cooler (W3C) Social networking in a corporate setting –Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn -- but inside the firewall –Networks of social networks internal, supply-chain inclusive, customers, public… –Team building via social knowledge, not committees or hierarchies –Social network as a proprietary resource and a collaboration tool
Corporate Social Nets “Water-cooler” or “coffee-machine” institutional knowledge and memory in a global economy –Even small firms are global –Supply chains are global –But: corporate constraints still apply privacy, security, liability but these constraints may allow richer link data Control versus openness
Re-thinking our “product” What is the corporate database for a staff run by the next generation? What is the interface to that database? Two-pronged strategy: –continue “embrace-and-extend” by adapting DBMS to new hardware and new applications –invent the fundamental database concepts we’d have if we started today without our back-office data-processing heritage