Group Projects Pre-Project Kickoff
Objectives of Group Projects zThe objective is three fold: zGaining knowledge about a particular subject zWorking with a client to deal with an environmental issue zThe process of working as a team and project management zYou gain experience: zApplying knowledge and tools zDeveloping analytical capacity zDealing with challenging issues rigorously and comprehensively zWorking in an interdisciplinary team zWorking to deadlines zManaging, people, money, and time zWorking with clients zPreparing and presenting professional reports
Why Propose? zYou have a research question that you want to work on and that fits the criteria for a Group project zYou want to interact with someone or some organization. zYou want the experience of writing a proposal. zYou want to have greater control over your group project destiny. -Student proposers of accepted project are guaranteed spot on project. -No more than two guaranteed spots per project. zYou want to work on a project in specific area.
Preparing a Proposal Thoroughly Review Request for Proposals (RFP) and sample proposals on- line. Identify client and a clear research question. If you do not already have a relationship with the client, speak to John Melack, who can help you set that up. John Melack is the liaison with external clients. Write out paragraph or two describing your idea. Send to Christina Tague and request a meeting to discuss and explore. She will help you hone the idea and suggest a faculty sponsor. See website that will outline current pre-proposals under-development. – contact other students, faculty sponsor or John Melack for more information about a particular client and proposal. See what proposals other students are working on to ensure that there are not duplicative efforts or too many proposals being worked on in a particular area.
What Makes A Good Proposal? zStudents are interested. zFaculty are interested and have some expertise in the area of exploration. zDoable in terms of time, labor force, and known funding. zClearly defined, interesting question that is of reasonable scope. zQuestion requires multidisciplinary exploration. zCurrent state of knowledge and the value of further exploration well articulated. zClearly stated objectives. zData needs identified and data are attainable. zMethodological approaches described. zInterested external clients.
Good Proposals zA proposal may be good but still not selected! zWe may have too many proposals given the number of students. zWe may have too many in an particular area of specialization. zWe may not have an appropriate faculty member to advise it.
Sharing of Proposal Ideas zStudents and Faculty will have the opportunity to view and post prospective proposals via an internal Bren Google doc. The link will be available and ed to you on Monday, November 9th. It will remain active until January 30th, zIn order for the Group Project Coordinator to post prospective proposals, students must the following information before January 29th, 2010: z1) Name of Proposer (s) 2) Title (descriptive of the environmental science and management problem to be solved) 3) Bren Faculty Sponsor who has participated in the development of the proposal (if applicable) 4) Proposed Project (5-8 sentence synopsis) 5) Prospective Client
Advice Prepare draft of proposal following guidelines. Discuss objectives with client and advisor – are they doable, interesting, clearly defined. Read the literature to become knowledgeable about prior work and methodologies. Have friend review it and edit it. Make revisions. Send draft to faculty sponsor to review (with at least week turn- around). 7
Advice (cont) Make revisions. Send draft to external clients. Set up meeting or phone call to discuss. Make revisions. Send final draft to faculty. Make final revisions. Submit. NEED TO GET GOING NOW!
$$$ zEach group gets $1,300 plus up to $200 for printing costs (automatically deducted). zIf you require additional money from the client be sure this is made explicit and that you and the client understand the University’s procedures for dealing with extramural funds. Talk with John Melack, and he can direct you, as appropriate.
The Pre-Project Process z Fall Quarter zStart preparing project proposal (if you wish) zWinter Quarter zComplete project proposals and submit by deadline (Jan 30) zProjects selected by committee (end Feb) zStudents on GP selection committee present accepted proposals to other students (end Feb, early March) zStudents convey their preferences (early March) zFinal assignments conveyed to students (mid March) zGroup Project Kickoff (mid March)
Information Sources zRequest for Proposals (RFP) zExample Proposals zGroup Project Handbook (under group projects) zPast Reports and Briefs zBrief Template and Example (under group projects)