Overview of C++ Chapter 2 in both books programs from books keycode for lab: get Program 1 from web test files
Program Submission type submit command exactly as it appears in the assignment it doesn't matter what your directory is named don't submit from your home directory
Late submissions Up to 1 week late for a 10% deduction (up front) in points after 1 week anything from % deduction 1 free late program during the semester tell me when you are using it
1/25/02 Homework 1 submit tcole cs117 h1 Programs done independently you may discuss general ideas but don't share your code if someone else explains how to do something, acknowledge their contribution in your readme
Picture Gallery At bottom of web page for your section Each student can put a picture, an link, some text about themselves, link to another personal web page, or nothing
Gallery How To You can me the information at Submit it using submit tcole cs117 pg