Communicating with Others in the Cooperative See who else is online Is a librarian from the Patron’s library online? If so, are they busy?
IM with other librarians Go to IM tab to see who is available Click on the librarian you want to send an IM to Your screen will change, allowing you to type an IM message to the selected librarian
Selected Librarian Name Shows in IM Monitor
IM Session
View of Librarian Receiving an IM Request Pop up and sound alert: New IM Dismiss the pop up (click OK) Click IM tab, then click sending librarian’s name IM message loads into recipient librarian’s transcript area Send IM messages in lower right text box
IM Alert
Sending Librarian Name Loads into IM Monitor
When transferring a session: Policies, 5.3 Look for the patron’s local librarian who is not already occupied with a session (i.e. if it is a CA patron, look for a CA librarian). If there is no local librarian, then look for another librarian who: a) Is not busy (has 0 active sessions) AND b) Is monitoring for the Coop (more than 6 queues) AND c) Is monitoring the same type of library (send public patrons to public Coop members; send academic patrons to academic Coop members). ALL of those criteria must be fulfilled before transferring to another Cooperative member.
IM before Transferring Before transferring to any librarian, send an IM to the librarian to ask if it is ok to transfer the patron. IM is built into the transfer process. If the librarian agrees, go ahead and transfer. If the librarian does not agree or fails to respond: Try another Cooperative librarian; or Transfer the patron to the After Hours queue; or Tell the patron that a librarian will get back to them via , and code the session for Follow Up By Patron Library.
Transfer Process: Beginning to End Click Select the librarian/queue from the list. The message box becomes an IM message box. Type a note to the librarian you want to transfer to explaining why you want to transfer. Click. Once other librarian acknowledges, click again Then close your session.
Transfer Button
Transfer Possibilities
Message Box Becomes IM Box
Transferring to After Hours Queue To transfer to the After Hours queue, do the following: Click on Transfer Select After Hours queue Explain why you need to transfer the question Transfer after librarian acknowledges Please do not transfer to the After Hours queue unless you have already tried to transfer to the patron’s local librarian or to a Cooperative librarian.