Closing the Gap for Mathematics in Middle School and High School Visionary Leadership for the 21st Century: Closing the Gaps That Matter February 22-24, 2006 Presented by Dr. David Pagni and Dr. Dianne DeMille Teachers Assisting Students to Excel in Learning Mathematics (TASEL-M)
AGENDA n What is TASEL-M? n Sharing the Data: Closing the Gap –8th Grade Algebra I –CAHSEE –Enrollment in Upper Level Mathematics n Goals and Objectives of TASEL-M n A Video by One District n Activities to Support Change n As a Model n Lessons Learned Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
Teachers Assisting Students to Excel in Learning Mathematics (TASEL-M) n January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2007 n $6.5 million over 5 years Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille National Science Foundation (NSF) Math Science Partnership (MSP)
Partnership to Promote Student Learning n Work within 4 Orange County Districts –2 Unified School Districts –1 Elementary School District –1 Union High School District n Full Mathematics Departments –4 Specific High Schools –Their 7 Feeder Middle Schools –3 Continuation High Schools n Mathematics Coaches –4 Full Time Coaches n Mathematics Faculty from CSUF –5 Mathematics Professors n Coordinators from OCDE –1 Mathematics Coordinator –1 EL Coordinator Referred to as TASEL-M Districts for this presentation. Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
TASEL-M Partners Orange Cluster Orange Cluster Orange High School Orange High School Portola Middle School Portola Middle School Yorba Middle School Yorba Middle School Richland High School Richland High School Buena Park Cluster Buena Park High School Buena Park High School Buena Park Junior High School Buena Park Junior High School LaVista High School LaVista High School Los Amigos Cluster Los Amigos High School Los Amigos High School Fitz Intermediate School Fitz Intermediate School Irvine Intermediate School Irvine Intermediate School Hare High School Hare High School Santiago Cluster Santiago High School Santiago High School Walton Middle School Walton Middle School Doig Middle School Doig Middle School Hare High School Hare High School Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) California State University, Fullerton Mathematics Department (CSUF) Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
Who is the Target Audience? n 130 mathematics teachers n 9,787 high school students n 6,536 middle school/junior high school students n 65% Free and Reduced Lunch n 67% Hispanic Students n 51% English Learners Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
8th Grade Algebra I CST Results Over 3 Years n Percent scoring Proficient and Advanced for All Students n Percent scoring Proficient and Advanced for Hispanic Students n 2 specific TASEL-M school results Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
Algebra I - Grade 8 All Students TASEL-M schools and districts including TASEL-M schools show a higher percent of students scoring proficient and advanced on Algebra I CST for 8th Grade.
Algebra I - Grade 8 Hispanic Students Hispanic Students in TASEL-M schools and districts including TASEL-M schools scored higher than Hispanic students in the county and state.
Algebra I - Grade 8 Hispanic Students %age pts +8%age pts Two TASEL-M schools show significant increases for their Hispanic students in 8th Grade Algebra I.
Reflection n Explain to your partner what you understood about the data presented. n How would YOU use your CST data to inform you on the effectiveness of your grade level/course program. Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
10th Grade CAHSEE - All Students Results Over 3 Years n Passing Rates n 2 TASEL-M High Schools Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
CAHSEE - Grade 10 All Students
%age pts +14%age pts +15%age pts TASEL-M schools show higher percentage of students passing the CAHSEE in 10th grade than the state. Districts including TASEL-M schools show higher percentage of students passing the CAHSEE in 10th grade than the Orange County.
CAHSEE - Grade 10 All Students +20%age pts +22%age pts %age pts +13%age pts
10th Grade CAHSEE Hispanic Students - Results Over 3 Years n Passing Rates n 2 TASEL-M High Schools Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
CAHSEE - Grade 10 Hispanic Students +32%age pts +30%age pts %age pts +28%age pts TASEL-M schools show even higher percentages and increased percentage of Hispanic students passing the CAHSEE in 10th grade than the county and the state.
CAHSEE - Grade 10 Hispanic Students %age pts +35%age pts Two TASEL-M schools show even higher results.
n Passing Rates n 2 TASEL-M High Schools 10th Grade CAHSEE English Learners - Results Over 3 Years Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
CAHSEE - Grade 10 EL Students English Learners in TASEL-M schools and district with TASEL-M schools show higher percentage passing rate for 10th graders on the CAHSEE. +29%age pts +22%age pts +25%age pts
CAHSEE - Grade 10 EL Students %age pts +31%age pts +29%age pts +27%age points +24%age pts
Reflection n Explain to your partner what you understood about the data presented. n How would YOU use your 10th Grade CAHSEE data to inform you on the effectiveness of your program(s). Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
How are We Closing the Gap? Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
TASEL-M Goals n To improve mathematics achievement through deep analysis of school data n To increase the mathematics achievement for all students on –California Standards Test (CST) –California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) –Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) for CSU n To improve teachers’ mathematics knowledge and skills to deepen student understanding and retention of mathematics Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
TASEL-M Goals (cont.) n To engage teachers to work collaboratively to –identify essential concepts and prerequisite understanding –identify skills in the STANDARDS n To encourage –cultural change in mathematics teaching environment –teachers to focus on student learning n To establish an ongoing mathematics education partnership n To increase numbers of students enrolled in upper level mathematics classes. Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
Upper Level Mathematics Course Enrollment for Hispanic Students n For TASEL-M Schools and Districts n A Closer Look at 2 TASEL-M Schools Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
Upper Level Courses Hispanic Students
%age pts +3%age pts +10%age pts Enrollment for Hispanic students is increasing in TASEL-M schools in higher level mathematics courses. This increase is higher than the county and the state.
Upper Level Courses Hispanic Students %age pts +9%age pts %age pts When looking at two specific TASEL-M schools there is even more than the aggregate data show.
Reflection n What are you doing to support higher enrollment in upper level mathematics courses? n What challenges will there be when the numbers increase? Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
TASEL-M Objectives n STAR mathematics scores will close the gap to the state average n The number of students taking math analysis (pre-calculus) will increase by 50% n Teachers will collaborate on a regular basis to review data for program and instruction decisions. n Teachers’ instruction will reflect increased pedagogical content knowledge. Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
One District’s Overview of TASEL-M One District’s Overview of TASEL-M A short video (7 minutes) Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
Video One District’s Overview of TASEL-M
What Did You Observe? Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
Annually Teachers Collaborate n Analyze CST, CAHSEE, and CELDT data n Create a school action plan and a personal action plan n Develop a calendar of meetings and events n Create and analyze Benchmark assessments n Use Motivation survey results for richer lesson design Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
Monitor Student Progress n Teachers meet regularly in course-alike teams –Analyze assessment data (benchmark and unit) to inform their lesson design –CELDT data is used to follow individual students –Common agreements among all department members n Teachers follow two students from the BASIC group on the CST (at least one EL student) to inform their discussion and focus lesson design. Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
TASEL-M as a Model n Collaboration time –Building professional learning communities –Common Agreements »Commitment to common vision from all members of the department –Developing school and individual action plans n Lesson Design that Encourages Student Engagement –Strategies »Identifying and putting a face to the learner –Pedagogy »Pedagogical Content Knowledge –Practice »Cohesive planning that addresses specific needs of individual students n Full administrative support (both site and district) Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille
Lessons Learned n All Stakeholders must be included from the beginning n A commitment to a collaborative focus n Involvement of all Principals is a key element for success n Articulation for cohesive planning n Include Special Ed and EL teachers in all activities Prepared by Orange County Department of Education - Dr. Dianne DeMille