1 Name Directory Service based on MAODV and Multicast DNS for IPv6 MANET Jaehoon Jeong, ETRI VTC 2004 Fall
2 Contents Introduction Related Work Name Service within IPv6 MANET Scenario of Name Service within MANET Name Directory Service Testbed for IPv6 MANET Conclusion
3 Introduction Name Service in Mobile Ad-hoc Network(MANET) MANET has dynamic network topology Current DNS can not be adopted in MANET! Because it needs a fixed and well-known name server Idea of Name Service in MANET All the mobile nodes take part in name service Every mobile node administers its own name information It responds to the other node’s DNS query related to its domain name and IP address Name Directory Service To announce the information of neighbors who are reachable in IPv6 MANET partition. It can be provided on the basis of MANET DNS.
4 Related Work (1/2) : MANET DNS Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) DNS service based on IP multicast in link-local scoped network IETF DNSEXT working group item Each node performs the role of DNS name server for its own domain name. MANET DNS is an extension of LLMNR. LLMNR SenderLLMNR Responder LLMNR query message (What is IPv6 address of “host.private.local.”?) - It is sent in link-local multicast LLMNR response message (IPv6 address of “host.private.local.”) - It is sent in link-local unicast Verification of LLMNR response - Does the value of the response conform to the addressing requirements? - Is hop-limit of IPv6 header 1? If the result is valid, then the Sender caches and passes the response to the application that initiated DNS query. else the Sender ignores the response and continues to wait for other responses.
5 Related Work (2/2) : Multicast Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (MAODV) MAODV? An extension of AODV (RFC 3561) routing protocol for ad hoc multicast routing. A shared tree based multicast routing protocol It is similar to PIM-SM. Join into Multicast Group AODV route discovery for finding a shortest path to the multicast group tree Tree grafting through MACT (Multicast Activation) message
6 Ad-hoc Name Service System for IPv6 MANET (ANS) ANS provides Name Service in MANET MANET DNS Domain ADHOC. MANET IPv6 Prefix IPv6 Site-local Prefix FEC0:0:0:0::/64 Architecture of ANS System ANS Responder It performs the role of DNS Name Server ANS Resolver It performs the role of DNS Resolver
7 ANS System (1/2)
8 ANS System (2/2) Main-Thread DUR-Thread ANS Zone DB ANS Responder Process Thread Database Memeory Read / Write Internal Connection Main-Thread Resolv-Thread Timer-Thread ANS Cache ANS Resolver Process Thread Cache UNIX Datagram Socket Memeory Read / Write Internal Connection Application ANS API DNS Query DNS Response DNS Query / DNS Response UDP Socket Connection
9 Name Service in ANS Zone File Generation generates ANS zone file with mobile node’s DNS name and corresponding IPv6 address Name Resolution performs the name-to-address translation Service Discovery performs the service discovery through DNS SRV resource record, which indicates the location of server or the multicast address of the service
10 Scenario of Name Service within MANET MN-A MN-B MN-C DNS Query Message (MN-C.ADHOC.) DNS Query Message is sent in Multicast Receipt of DNS Query Message Request of Host DNS Name Resolution Receipt and Process of DNS Query Message DNS Response Message (MN-C’s IPv6 Address) Gain of DNS Information MN-A tries to connect to the server on MN-C The server on MN-C accepts the request of the connection from MN-A DNS Query Message (MN-C.ADHOC.) DNS Response Message is sent in Unicast
11 Name Directory (NDR) Service Definition NDR is the information of neighbors who are reachable in IPv6 MANET partition. It is provided on the basis of MAODV and MANET DNS. DNS Resource Record for NDR A new DNS resource record is defined for User Information (UI). UI resource record is created with user information stored in NDR configuration file (NDR.conf).
12 NDR.conf and UI Resource Record NDR.conf UI Resource Record
13 Procedure of Name Directory Service (a) MAODV Multicast Tree(b) Join of Group Member GM3 (c) Report of GM3’s User Information to Group Leader GL1 (d) Announcement of User Information by GL1
14 Optimization of Name Directory Service – 1/2 Optimization of Periodic Report of User Information Only leaf group members of ANS multicast tree report their UI resource records. When upstream node receives UI resource record, it aggregates the received UI record with its UI record and it forwards the UI records to its upstream node towards group leader. Group leader can get an aggregated packet of UI records instead of each individual packet of group member.
15 Optimization of Name Directory Service – 2/2 Optimization of Periodic Announcement of Name Directory Group leader announces total name directory of active nodes and partial name directory of out- of-range nodes at different periods. Group leader advertises the total name directory less frequently than the partial name directory. When a group member receives the partial name directory, it invalidates the entries of the partial name directory in its name directory. These separate announcements can reduce the amount of traffic advertised for name directory.
16 Testbed for IPv6 MANET We used IPv6 MAODV for Ad Hoc multicast routing protocol. For testing multi-hop network configuration, We control Tx and Rx power of IEEE b NIC. Also, we use MAC-filtering to filter out packets in other link. We implemented Wireless Mobile Router based on embedded linux for testing Ad Hoc routing protocols and other applications.
17 Experiment of NDR in MANET Testbed IPv6 Wireless Mobile RouterTest of Name Directory Service
18 Conclusion ANS (Ad-hoc Name Service System for IPv6 MANET) A name service scheme based on multicast in IPv6 MANET, providing name resolution and the information of neighboring users. Name Service of ANS Automatic zone file generation Name-to-address translation Service discovery DNS message authentication based on TSIG Name Directory Service (NDR) It can be categorized as peer-to-peer application in MANET. Through NDR, ad hoc users can notice who are reachable in MANET partition where they are placed. Future Work We will simulate our scheme to enhance our name directory with network simulator NS-2.