General Pathology: Introduction to the Course Lorne Holland, M.D.
General Information COURSE DIRECTOR: Lorne Holland, M.D. Leprino Office Building, Main Laboratory- Rm 280 Email: Office: (720) 848-7050 ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR: Jaime Kean Building A01 Room L15-2203 Email: Phone (303) 724-3905
Map Leprino Office Building Parking Garage
Exams Sample questions will periodically be posted on Blackboard with answers following shortly Before each exam there will be a Q&A session This is an opportunity for you to ask questions about the material This is not meant to be a formal review of all lecture material For best responses, please send me your question(s) a day or two in advance so I know what to expect
Exams Multiple-choice, single best answer 2-3 questions per lecture Mid-October and December 17th 2nd exam is cumulative with approximately 80% new and 20% old Exams will be timed with 1.5 minutes allotted for each question
Exams How much does a normal human head weigh? More than twice the average orange Between 4.4 and 5.3 kilograms Hair is typically 0.2% to 1.1% of head weight It would weigh only 1/6th as much on the moon
Exams Review session immediately after Answers will be projected Your chance to ask questions Only opportunity to review test answers
Exams Grading Tests are sent to the computer center for grading where they calculate statistics for each question A few questions will have “bad” numbers and will be thrown out Too hard or too easy Random answer pattern
Other Tests Independent study questions Periodic, unannounced quizzes Posted on Blackboard and due Sept 28th May collaborate, but each student must submit their own answers Remember, this material is fair game for both exams Periodic, unannounced quizzes Multiple-choice, single best answer and/or short answer You can use class notes and textbook Students not present when the quizzes are handed out will receive a zero Lowest quiz score will be dropped
Objectives Each lecture will have a set of objectives This is the bare minimum you should be getting out of each lecture If you can not perform the objectives then it is unlikely you will pass If you only know material specifically addressed by the objectives, you will probably pass, but only barely (70-80%)
Odds and Ends Lecture handouts should be available on Blackboard 48 hrs before lecture Exam dates will be firm, but lectures may occasionally move around a bit. You should have at least 24 hrs warning. Please address questions directly to the lecturer. If you do not receive a response within 48 hrs then let me know Evaluations after each test. Please complete them so I know what is working and what is not
“laboratory medicine” Scope of Pathology Pathology Experimental Anatomic Clinical “laboratory medicine”
Scope of Pathology Pathology Experimental Anatomic Clinical Pathogenesis Etiology Epidemiology
Scope of Pathology Pathology Experimental Anatomic Clinical Surgical Gross / Micro Autopsy Gross / Micro Cytology Microscopic Hematopath Microscopic
Scope of Pathology Pathology Experimental Anatomic Clinical Chemistry Urinalysis Hematology Serology Microbiology Virology Molecular T.D.M. Toxicology Coagulation Transf. Med Point of Care Flow Cytometry
Quick Guide to Microscopy Unless otherwise stated, pictures in books and lecture and hemotoxylin and eosin (H&E) Proteins and starch stain pink Nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) stain blue Air, water, sugar and lipids do not stain at all Naturally colored materials, black, brown, green
Quick Guide to Microscopy
Quick Guide to Microscopy
Other Colors Golden (yellow/brown/green) Brown Black Bile Hemosiderin, lipofuschin (iron) Black Carbon Melanin
Special Stains PAS starch/sugar Prussian Blue iron Oil Red O lipids
Immunohistochemistry Produce antibodies to specific molecules, usually proteins Attach a marker of some kind to the antibody Wash a tissue section with the labeled antibody
Keratin- Carcinoma, not lymphoma Estrogen receptor- Breast cancer CD15/30- Hodgkin Lymphoma Alphafetoprotein- Testicular Cancer