I WANT It Individual Group Family Business Public
Needs Basics: Food, shelter, clothing. Business and Government provide needs at affordable prices Termes: Goods and Services
Examples GoodsServices
Limited Resources Unlimited wants (designing rooms) Business promotes different items to meet wants More goods produced= Resources limit wants
Decision Process 1. Identify the Problem 2. List alternatives 3. Determine the pros and cons 4. Make the best decision 5. Evaluate your decision
Assignment Work in groups Decide between two similar products (wants) Example: Ferrari or Lamborghini Use the decision making process to decide on what you will end up buying
Continued Same groups Decide between to basic needs Clothing, shelter, food No brand names for clothes Try to find cheapest types No mansions <200,000 Generic food
Business Here to supply needs and wants Also people get wealthy Sam Walton Develops goods and services Market research
Production Opportunity Evaluates demand Funding? Setting up and maintaining production Final product Marketing Safety
Motivations $$$$ Need to stay competitive High sales, low costs Bank of America Keep up with change Fads
Chicken or the Egg Business provides goods and service People want goods and services
Consumers Mostly users of goods and service Increase supply; Decrease supply Business responsibility
Making money Businesses need employees People need money Businesses pay employees
Assignment Design a Flow Chart Diagram how money gets into your pocket Then determine how money gets back into a business Label each step
Money ↓ Business→Products →Profit → Buys goods and services ↓ Employee ↓ Buys goods or services ↓ Business