Teaching Literacy through Music: Exploring the Possibilities By Nayun Ha
Is Music Really Related to Literacy?
Why is music important to children: Introduction Music with movement can develop physical skills Playing instruments can help memory, senses, and social skills Studying music theory can develop math skills Singing songs can develop language skills
Music and Physical Skills Clapping to song with different parts of the body is an excellent physical activity for babies. Dancing to music is a great way for children to develop physical rhythm and balance
Music and Memory, Senses, and Social skills Because using music can affect emotion, students can remember easily stories and what they learned when they play music Students can develop their multiple senses through playing, watching other musicians, reading notes, and listening music In music classes, most activities can be in groups including playing musical game, having music concerts and studying music theory so they learn how to cooperate with other people
Music and Math Skills Understanding different parts of music theory requires various math concepts: fractions, intervals, ratios, etc. Musical rhythm is a fun way for early children to start learning about math
Music and Language skills Early children can start to learn new vocabularies by singing new songs Students in elementary and middle school adopt foreign words, pronunciation, and culture from singing and studying songs from other countries
So…is music related to literacy?