Working on a Project Anders P. Ravn Computer Science Aalborg University April 2007
A Project 1.Defined Objective 2.Defined Timeframe 3.Defined Resources (Budget) Objective Project progress (uses resources) Time startfinish Harvey Maylor, Project Management, (3rd ed.), Prentice-Hall, 2002, pp 1-5
Project versus Line Production A project has a unique objective Variety Volume Production Project First Timers As… but … Paint by numbers Maylor pp 3-4
Sure Failures Ready, fire, aim It’s all in my head We do not have time for this stuff! We have a procedure for that Just common sense Failed before Won’t work here NO Objective NO defined Objective NO defined resources and process Resources are insufficient NO Defined process NO committed resources Maylor pp 7-9
Project versus Line Management Oversees change Fuzzy lines of authorithy Tasks change often Operates within temporary project structures Predominantly innovative Main task is conflict resolution Success defined by reaching stated end-goals Uncertainties are in intrinsic in the process Maylor pp 10
The Process Maylor pp Time Objective Result Constraints Resources
Life-cycle 1.Define the project objective 2.Design the process 3.Deliver the product 4.Develop the process Product Constraints Resources Maylor pp Objective
Defining an Objective Conceptualisation Product Requirement Definition Feasibility Analysis Complexity Resource Budget: - people (skills, time, availability) - tools and materials (cost, availability)
Define Objective A concise description of the result expressed in natural language Ckeck completeness by FACTOR: Functionality for end use Application Domain of end use Conditions for success Technology to be used Objective key components and concepts Realization conditions Lars Mathiassen, Andreas Munk-Madsen, Peter Axel Nielsen and Jan Stage, Object-oriented Analysis and Design, MARKO Publishing, Aalborg 2000.
Estimating Complexity Technical Resource Organizational HighLow Factor Maylor pp 28-31
Feasibility - Issues to address Strategy Structure Systems Staff Skills Style/Culture Stakeholders Maylor pp 24-27
Designing a process Proposal – Product Specification Plan (activities, milestones, dependencies) Justification (costs and benefits - SWAT) Agreement
Planning – why bother? Customer expectations Project progress The solution space To be able to act rationally when – forseeable - events happen. Livet forstås baglæns, men må leves forlæns Søren Kierkegaard
Planning – how? Time Activity Deadline Milestone
Gantt Chart – a useful tool Activity A B C …
Pert Diagram -dependencies A 14 B 7 C 10 D 13 F 7 E 14 G 5 H 6 I 24
Example Gantt Chart
Delivering the product Start-up Execution (check MILESTONES) Completion Handover (or flee!)
Example: Status
Develop your Process Review the material and the result Feedback There is no success like failure, ’though failure is no success at all Bob Dylan
The Material Journal – Agendas, Minutes, Notes Product Components – Work Items Schedule – Milestones, Activities
Your Journal (project binder) Notes (chronologically ordered) Project idea – the problem to be investigated (Work Packages – subprojects in a larger project) Issues – and ways to resolve them Meetings and minutes Schedules – and rationale for changes Work Item Descriptions
The Project Structuring Elements Meetings Group Organization
Meetings - preparation Decide on the purpose(s) What is the agenda? - main and side points For each point: - discussion - briefing - decision Prepare agenda – assign duration to each point
Standard Agenda 1.Comments to the agenda … N-1. Next meeting N. Other matters
The Meeting Keep the time Take notes for minutes Record issues – do not resolve them
Organization - Players Customer – has the problem and has to be satisfied with the solution Project Team – works to find a solution Boss – defines the resources and monitors progress Consultant – contributes ideas and expertise
Team - roles Designer – develops solutions Developer – develops components Integrator (tester) – ensures consistent releases Documenter – ensures documentation Organizer (planner) – keeps orderly progress
If you remember nothing else: Define your objective Have a plan Know your resources – team roles Have an agenda for meetings