Lunch January 2012 Cloud Computing, Communications and Collaboration FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK
Agenda Objective: Share Feedback from Faculty and Staff, and Understand How Communications and Collaboration Impact the Fordham Community Overview Results of 2011 survey and focus groups with University faculty, staff and administrators Current options for cloud and for collaboration tools Business drivers and key functionality What’s In It For Me and Next steps
Elements of the Information Workplace
Defining the Environment Collaboration: A long and valued tradition Today: collaborative work facilitated by information technology Collaborative tools: , shared file storage, online calendars, conferencing New tools are also continually emerging, most especially in recent years In light of this, Fordham IT has declared this objective: “Fordham University should develop a model for a set of online tools and services to support collaboration both within the University community and with external partners.”
Definitions Collaboration: – The work and activity of a number of persons who individually contribute toward the efficiency of the whole (group) – To work jointly or together towards a common outcome Communication: – The process by which information is exchanged between individuals Asynchronous (one way) Synchronous (two way)
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Survey Findings Communications & Collaboration Applications and Tools ________________________ April 14, 2011
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Background Objective: To obtain an understanding of how faculty, administrators and staff use and other communication and collaboration tools. Fordham IT continually seeks feedback in order to improve services in this changing environment. Target: All Fordham Faculty, administrators and staff Timeline: March 1-25, 2011 Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 7
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Participation (by role) Total Respondents: 495 Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 8 Significant respondent population Weighted toward administrator/staff –These are heaviest users of communication tools for business processes RolePercent Administrator59% Faculty Full-Time30% Faculty Adjunct11%
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW Usage “Do you use your to send and receive s?” Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 9 Vast majority are constant users account ResponsePercent Yes94% No6% ResponsePercent Constantly84% Once a day10% Once a week1% Monthly1% Never3% “How frequently do you use your account?” Population: 495
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK 3 rd -Party Client Access Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 10 “Do you access your from a [non-Lotus] third-party client?” “What method do you use to access your Fordham through a third-party client?” A third (28%) of users are already using a non-Lotus Notes client ResponsePercent No72% Yes28% ResponsePercent Don’t know39% IMAP32% Forwarding21% POP8% Respondent sub-population: 140 / 495 Population: 495
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK 3 rd -Party Client Types (A third [140/495] of respondents are already using a non-Lotus client) “Which [non-Lotus] 3 rd -party client do you use?” Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 11 ResponsePercent Google Gmail26% BlackBerry18% Other17% Apple clients14% Microsoft Outlook12% AOL6% Yahoo4% Thunderbird2% Eudora1% Microsoft Hotmail0% Microsoft Windows Live0% Respondent sub-population: 140 / 495 Gmail, Outlook, BlackBerry devices, and Apple devices account for majority (70%) of use Gmail is most common non-Lotus solution
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Access by Device “Which devices do you use to access your account?” Note: multiple selections allowed per respondent Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 12 A third (31%) of users need access through Mac OS A third (27%) of users need access through BlackBerry devices –BlackBerry is most frequently-used mobile device platform ResponsePercent PC86% Mac31% BlackBerry27% iPhone (Apple device)13% iPad (Apple device)10% Android9% Netbook / Tablet9% Other4% Respondents (multiple selections): 495
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Common Functionality Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 13 Folder/sub-folder functionality is very important Most users are comfortable with management (i.e. deleting unneeded s) “Do you move s from the inbox to different folders?” “Do you regularly delete s that you don’t need or use?” ResponsePercent Yes80% No20% Population: 495 ResponsePercent Yes83% No17% Population: 495
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Tools and Functionality Prioritization of functional needs: Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 14 Highest priorities: , Contacts, Address Book, and Calendaring Lowest priorities: Social Media, Online Chat, and Wikis
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Access to Calendar “How important is it that the following groups can access your calendar and see your availability?” Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 15 Low need for (or awareness of benefits of) sharing access to calendar View access is requested for all group types “Other Fordham Employees” is most-requested group for access
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Setting Calendar Meetings “How important is it to send/accept calendar appointments from the following groups?” Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 16 High priority to manage calendar meetings with faculty/staff Low priority to manage calendar meetings with students
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Document Collaboration “How important is it to collaboratively create/edit/review online documents with the following groups?” Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 17 High priority for document collaboration among faculty, staff, and administrators Low priority for document collaboration with students
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY THE JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Next Steps: Findings will be taken into consideration in the selection of collaboration applications/tools If you have any questions, please contact Deirdre Dillon at
19 Cloud for Staff and Faculty Features: - 96% Contacts- 56% Address Books- 50% Calendars- 39%
20 Cloud for Staff and Faculty Features that rated high: Access and interoperability and Calendars Document sharing and collaboration
Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 21 & Cloud Apps: where are we? Cloud for Students: Gmail - Oct 2010 Google Apps for Students - Jan 2012 Number of Cloud Applications at Fordham Cloud decision: Feb 2012 Business partner discussions re cloud apps: i.e. Enrollment Recruitment, CRM, Collaboration Tools Law School = 11 University = 30
Communications & Collaboration Landscape Calendaring Contacts/Address Book Collaboration Tools – File sharing, whiteboard, Wiki’s, Blogs, etc
Business Drivers Works with what people use today Supports ‘Bring Your Own Device’ Work with anyone, from anywhere, anytime – Cloud ‘Consumerization’ of IT – Interoperability The 80/20 Rule – Provide a solution for the 80% of the users, that use 20% of the functionality (or only 20% use 80% of the functionality)
Collaboration Tools Collaborative Communication Texting Chat Video Contacts Calendar Collaborative Workspace Wiki’s Blogs App Share Whiteboard Collaborative edits Shared file space Business Intel Search Decision Support Portfolio’s
Emerging Business Applications & Technologies Fordham IT 25 What’s In IT For Me? And Next Steps Discuss: what are your thoughts in moving to cloud ? Suggestions? Additional feedback via survey monkey Communications: portal, website, town halls Training