Stereological Techniques for Solid Textures Rob Jagnow MIT Julie Dorsey Yale University Holly Rushmeier Yale University
Given a 2D slice through an aggregate material, create a 3D volume with a comparable appearance. Objective
Real-World Materials Concrete Asphalt Terrazzo Igneous minerals Porous materials
Independently Recover… Particle distribution Color Residual noise
Recovering Color Select mean particle colors from segmented regions in the input image Input Mean Colors Synthetic Volume
Recovering Noise How can we replicate the noisy appearance of the input? - = Input Mean Colors Residual The noise residual is less structured and responds well to Heeger & Bergen’s method Synthesized Residual
without noise Putting it all together Input Synthetic volume with noise
Prior Work – Revisited InputHeeger & Bergen ’95Our result
Results – Physical Data Physical Model Heeger & Bergen ’95 Our Method
Results Input Result
Results InputResult
An Approximate Global Illumination System for Computer Generated Films Eric Tabellion PDI / DreamWorks Arnauld Lamorlette PDI / DreamWorks
Introduction (a) Direct and indirect lighting(b) Direct lighting only Example of a character in outside lighting conditions. (a) and (b) were rendered respectively with and without indirect lighting.
Ray Tracing Simplified Geometry Simplified GeometryMicro-polygonsEffective Ray Origin To ray trace simplified geometry, we adjust the ray origin.
Ray Tracing Simplified Geometry (a) (b)(c) (a)2 million displaced micro-polygons, without using the ray offsetting algorithm. (b)using the ray offsetting algorithm, ray tracing only 4 thousand polygons, shown in (c).
Art Direction (a) using a single bounce of indirect light (b) using multiple bounces of indirect light
Art Direction (a) reference(b) saturated(c) warm(d) directional
Art Direction
Triple Product Wavelet Integrals for All-Frequency Relighting Ren Ng Stanford University Pat Hanrahan Stanford University Ravi Ramamoorthi Columbia University
Simulating Water and Smoke with an Octree Data Stucture Frank Losasso Stanford University Industrial Light + Magic Ron Fedkiw Stanford University Industrial Light + Magic Frederic Stanford University
A Method for Animating Viscoelastic Fluids Tolga G. Goktekin James F. O’BrienAdam W. Bargteil University of California, Berkeley