NetSenCE Networked Sensing in Challenged Environments A joint partnership between UMass Amherst, Dartmouth and Lowell, and WHOI Brian Levine, Prashant Shenoy Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts
Vision sensing: monitoring, measuring environment increasingly important challenged environments: ocean floors, bays, estuaries, rivers, forests, glaciers, mountaintops Massachusetts/New England: “.. [should].. develop a system to monitor ocean conditions to ensure a health and growing marine economy” “It is crucial for business and government to invest in research to develop those areas because the region’s success is so closely tied to the ocean.”
NetSenCE Core technology mission: wireless networking technologies and sensor platforms for challenged environments. affordability, robustness emphasis on water sensing Close collaboration with domain experts WHOI ocean scientists, underwater surveillance UMass environmental scientists Massachusetts Center for Networked Sensing in Challenged Environments
Who we are: broad technical expertise: sensor nets, embedded systems, real-time computing, wireless networking, data management, performance, expertise leadership: technical community (program committees), centers and programs (CASA, MS&T ); range of seniority multicampus Brian Levine, Prashant Shenoy: co-directors UMass-Amherst CS : Mark Corner, Deepak Ganesan, Jim Kurose, Don Towsley, Arun Venkatarmani UMass-Dartmouth: Lou Goodman (SMast) UMass-Lowell CS: Ben Liu Woods Hole: Lee Freitag, Jim Partan, Jim Preisig, Andy Maffei WHOI About us
Building on Existing Collaborations Related collaborations: BBN (Cambridge): IBM/ITA; BBN code on UMass DieselNet; joint participation in NSF Future Internet Design (FIND/DTN) BAE (Burlington): Darpa mobile ad hoc networks General Dynamics (Pittsfield): ONR Littoral program WHOI/UMass/UConn: joint NSF research infrastructure award support from UMass Boston CESN Others: Raytheon; Cisco (Boxboro); EMC; Intel; MS; Joint research (publication), grants WHOI PhD student at UMass/CS 2 UMass/CS undergrads at WHOI joint research joint research, grant (IBM/ITA wireless), former PhD student Lowell Dartmouth
Work Plan/Budget NetSenCE: closer research collaborations, joint future proposals 1 year joint UMass/WHOI post- doctoral researcher Half research scientist for environmental connections Faculty release time for proposal development multi-campus, weekly seminar graduate-level reading/research
Future funding opportunities DARPA, ONR: littoral sensing, SEANAV UMass-Dartmouth ties to ONR DARPA, HSARPA: port monitoring NSF Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) disruption-tolerant networks/mobility key innovation area BBN awarded GENI coordinating role NSF Cyber-Enabled Discovery, Innovation (CDI): planned $750M NSF program linking physical and cyber worlds “Broaden the Nation’s capability for innovation by developing a new generation of computationally based discovery concepts and tools to deal with complex, data-rich, and interacting systems.” Possible state economic development funds
Networking in Challenged Environments Technical Challenges: sparse deployment short-radio ranges system suspension/ power management node mobility fixed costs failures likely or untenable unreliable/non-existent infrastructure application-driven utility BACKUP SLIDE