Work progress Dalila AMMOUR Buoyant flow inside penetration cavity Numerical procedure: Code used: Code_Saturne V1.4.0 Model used actually: K-eps standard wall functions. Second order convection scheme. First order upwind time scheme. Boundary conditions: Inlet: Neumann condition for Velocity (Zero gradient dV/dy=0) Dirichlet condition for axial and longitudinal velocities (U=0, W=0 ) Dirichlet condition for the pressure (P=0) Dirichlet condition for the k and eps (k=,eps=) Outlet: Neumann condition for all the variables. Symetrie, Adiabatic walls. Buoyancy: Boussinesq approximation.
Initial results
Actual work and future plans: - Preparing tow papers to publish the previous work... - Preparing an abstract for UKHTC 2011 UK National Heat transfer Conference... - Start to implement AWF wall functions and test different cases...