I.T.D.A.P. Imperative Training and Development For All People Presented by Katie Brooks & Tracy Brooks
Etiquette For Youth Listening and Comprehension Respect For Elders Role Modeling Consciousness of surroundings Consciousness of patterns that are detrimental to future Realization of options Goal Setting Posture Professionalism
Dynamics of Development Speech and Vocabulary Mutual Respect Exploration of options Goal Setting Positive Expectations Attire and Appearance Setting the example Self Discipline Professionalism Better Jobs Better Quality Of Life
Cultural & Societal Transitioning Language and Cognition Voice and Diction Awareness of Personal Space Unwritten traditions of the land Attire and Appearance Programs Available Helping others who are where you were Harmony
Execution Community Centers and Schools Churches and Programs Community Outreach Projects Colleges Businesses Reach Out to those unaware of the need to develop Be available to those who search for the means to their goals
Thank You I.T.D.A.P. Imperative Training and Development for All People