Useful Programs for Soc. 708 Stata Word LaTeX Excel
Stata One of several statistical programs –SPSS –SAS –R Soc. department tends to use Stata Homework for this class uses it
Stata: Getting Access Computer labs –Odum Institute lab in Manning All computers have Stata Helpful consultants Short courses Field trip, end of this class! –Sociology lab Hamilton (Room 228/207) Non-Soc grad. Students: me name & onyen! Computers have Stata –Health Sciences library (possibly)
Stata: Getting Access Remote access Citrix – [Demonstration] Buying Stata Most people will be fine with using the lab A few people will end up buying Stata eventually
Using Stata Who has used it? Who has used any statistical program?
Using Stata
Variables Command window Results window Review
Using Stata
Stata Resources This class –Lecture notes –Stata notes for each module –Hamilton book Odum Institute workshop ! ! ! September 30 – October 02 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Cathy Zimmer (very helpful person) Handouts on the web As you go: Stata help menu, Google…
Word Mathematical symbols, Greek letters… Insert/Symbol and choose one by one Or try… Insert/Object/Microsoft Equation 3.0 Superscripting, subscripting… Format/Font and choose As you type: Ctrl-shift-+ to superscript 123
Word Tables Create table –Toolbar –Table/Insert … choose # of rows and columns Format table –Right click and change line appearance
LaTeX High quality symbols, letters, etc. –E.g., Syllabus created in LaTeX Involves programming; high “start-up cost” May be worth it for some people (markup language I know nothing about) Available at Odum Institute lab –(lab consultant Jamie Monogan can help)
Excel Math functions –Sum –“=“ at beginning of column indicates function –Copy functions Cut and paste tables from Excel Entering data –[Demo, if time: enter qaire data then transpose columns]
More about Odum, Soc. etc. Cathy Zimmer Field trip to Odum