Nuclear imaging Instrumentation part Prepared by : Dr. Ali Saad, College of applied medical Science Dept of Biomed. Technology.
Introduction Nuclear imaging: All procedures involving the detection of rays and image formation from the emissions of radiopharmaceuticals introduced into patients for diagnostic purposes.radiopharmaceuticals
Gamma Camera gamma cameras.gamma cameras The most widely used gamma cameras are the so-called Anger cameras, in which a series of phototubes detects the light emissions of a large single crystal, covering the field of view of the camera.Anger cameras
SPECT imaging SPECT imaging systems have been devised, their cost and poor flexibility have resulted in single- or multiple-head gamma cameras which rotate around the patient, thereby acquiring the projections necessary for reconstruction of axial slices.SPECT imaging
PET imaging PET imaging, the most recent nuclear imaging method introduced into clinical practice is also based on ring detector systems, but recently, manufacturers also have started to fit dual-head camera systems with the coincident detection circuitry necessary for PET imaging.
Radiopharmaceutical, Substance consisting of a molecule to which a radionuclide is bound. radionuclide Radionuclide, It is an isotope which is radioactive and thus undergoes radioactive decay. isotope radioactive decay Isotopes are families of atomic elements which have a fixed atomic number (number of protons) and a variable number of neutrons and thus of nucleons. protonsneutronsnucleons
Radioactive decay There are several types of radioactive decay, classified as alpha decay, beta decay and gamma decay. Another type of decay is the so-called electron capture EC. Many radioactive isotopes, particularly heavy ones such as uranium, disintegrate by a series of radioactive decays until they have been transformed into stable atoms.alpha decaybeta decaygamma decayelectron capture EC
radioactive decay law an exponential decay. If we call the initial number of radioactive isotopes N0 and the number remaining after a time t, N(t), the decay law is given byexponential Nt = N0 exp(-λt) where λ is the radioactive decay constant. The half life t is defined as the time during which the number of radioactive nuclei decays to half its initial value:half life N(t)/N0 =exp(- λ t), hence t = λ ln2
Gamma decay radioactive decay in which a nucleus emits a high-energy photon or gamma ray. In such a decay, a nucleus that has undergone another type of radioactive decay remains in an excited or metastable state for a prolonged time eventually relaxing back to the ground state by emitting the gamma ray.radioactive decay
Alpha decay radioactive decay process during which a radioactive nucleus also called an alpha emitter emits a helium He nucleus (alpha particle, alpha ray) consisting of two protons and two neutrons.radioactive decayhelium He
Beta decay type of radioactive decay in which a nucleus ejects a beta particle, either an electron or a positron. In a beta (-) decay a neutron gets converted into a proton and an electron. Hence, the atomic number of the nucleus increases by one, the number of nucleons stays constant and the electron leaves the nucleus as a beta (-) particle.radioactive decayelectron positron
Gamma Camera imaging device used in nuclear scanning. By far the most widely used gamma camera was invented by H. Anger in the 1960s and thus is also frequently called the Anger camera.Anger camera
Anger camera Photons are selected by a collimator and produce light flashes which are detected by the photomultipliers. See text
Anger Camera (cont.) Light flash producing different responses in the detecting photomultipliers
Collimator device made of a highly absorbing material such as lead which selects X- or gamma-rays along a particular direction.. In nuclear imaging, they serve to suppress scatter but also to select a ray orientationnuclear imaging
Parallel hole collimator, typically made of lead, with "honeycomb“ -like structure. Note that the thickness of lead shielding between adjacent holes is minimal every 60. Collimator
Photomultiplier tube
SPECT imaging Single photon emission (computed) tomography (SPECT or SPET): tomographic nuclear imaging technique producing cross-sectional images from gamma ray emitting radiopharmaceuticalsnuclear imagingradiopharmaceuticals SPECT data are acquired according to the original concept used in tomographic imaging
SPECT (cont) multiple views of the body part to be imaged are acquired by rotating the Anger camera detector head(s) around a craniocaudal axis.Anger camera
Triple head SPECT camera
In SPECT attenuation degrades the images. Thus, data of the head reconstructed without attenuation correction may show substantial artificial enhancement of the peripheral brain structures relative to the deep ones. attenuation correction The simplest way to deal with this problem is to filter the data before reconstruction
Head SPECT image SPECT image (technetium- 99m HMPAO), showing a normal brain perfusion
PET Imaging Positron Emission Tomography: is a tomographic nuclear imaging procedure, which uses positrons as radiolabels and positron - electron annihilation reaction- induced gamma rays to locate the radiolabels.nuclear imaging positronelectronannihilation reaction
The PET principle is as follows. A low dose of a radiopharmaceutical labelled with a positron emitter such as C-11, N-13, O-15 or F-18 is injected into the patient, who is scanned by the tomographic system. radiopharmaceuticalpositron emitter Scanning consists of either a dynamic series or a static image obtained after an interval during which the radiopharmaceutical enters the biochemical process of interest. The scanner detects the spatial and temporal distribution of the radiolabel by detecting gamma rays during the so-called emission scan.
PET Principle PET principle showing annihilation reaction between positron and electron, production of two gamma rays and detection in coincidence detection system.
PET Principle 1. the positron is emitted by a beta decay,beta decay 2. it is slowed down to small speeds which are necessary for the annihilation reaction between the positron and a shell electron of a neighbouring atoms to occur. The distance the positron travels (mean free path) depends on the energetics of the beta decay but is typically one or a few millimeters.mean free path 4. The annihilation reaction produces two 511 keV gamma rays which travel in almost exactly opposite directions (this is due to the conservation of energy and momentum laws). 5. The two gamma rays are detected by a coincidence counting detection system (see below).coincidence counting 6. After proper filtering the collected raw data sinograms are reconstructed into a cross-sectional image. sinograms
Annihilation reaction Electron and a positron meet, annihilate and form two gamma rays
Coincidence counting Method of counting employing a coincidence circuit so that an event is recorded only if events are detected in two sensing devices simultaneously. Such counting methods may be used to reduce background noise if a radioisotope emits more than one detectable radiation event in coincidence. The requirement for a coincidence between two detectors eliminates background counts that occur in only one detector at a time.
Four sinograms of four transaxial PET sections through a patient's body