Workshop Front-End Electronics for gamma and complementary detector systems IFIC - Valencia (Spain) 17 th ~ 18 th of November 2011 PROMETEO.


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Presentation transcript:

Workshop Front-End Electronics for gamma and complementary detector systems IFIC - Valencia (Spain) 17 th ~ 18 th of November 2011 PROMETEO

Goals: The detectors under design or construction will be briefly presented underlining their technical aspects. Discussing the future sampling Front-End Electronics for gamma, neutrons and light-charged particles detector arrays, emphasizing the capability to couple the instruments and on the synergies among FEE systems. The synergies of NEDA, TRACE, DIAMANT, and other complementary detectors with the AGATA, EXOGAM2, GALILEO and PARIS gamma- array projects should be thoroughly discussed. The workshop ambitions to promote the discussions to create synergies between Gamma and Complementary detector instrumentation at the Front- Electronics Level.

Round Table Status of the FEE for the future arrays: –AGATA going to 2 nd generation –EXOGAM2 Designing/Prototyping NUMEXO –PARIS  Final Decision of adopting NUMEXO to be taken NEDA adopted NUMEXO DIAMANT, TRACE, ETC.. to be decided Open questions and organization –The group to be periodically informed of the NEDA/EXOGAM2 FEE status –Coordination of extensive test of ADC mezzanines –Decisions on PCIe use on NEDA  “LINCO2 ?” –ADC_Interface_IP –NEDA and other detectors specifications (Dynamical range, data transfer rate, etc…)