Financial Asset Integration Andrew K. Rose and Robert P. Flood All materials (data sets, programs, papers, slides) at:
Two Objectives: 1.Derive new methodology to assess integration of assets across instruments/borders/markets, etc. 2.Illustrate technique empirically
Definition of Asset Integration
Empirical Strategy
Impose Two (Reasonable?) Assumptions for Estimation:
Now We Have an Estimable Panel Equation:
Why this Strategy?
Are Assumptions Reasonable?
Strengths of Methodology
Differences with Literature
Most Importantly, don’t impose bond market integration
Illustration #1: American Equity Data
Data Characteristics
Shadow Discount Rates
Likelihood-Ratio (Joint) Test for Asset Integration
Broadening the Sample
Add Different Asset Classes
NASDAQ is usually (not always) integrated
More Interesting: NASDAQ is never integrated with the S&P
Sensitivity Analysis
In fact, Time-Varying Factors Make Little Difference!
Illustration #2: Tokyo Stock Exchange
Explore Importance of Grouping
Shadow Discount Rates
Likelihood-Ratio (Joint) Test for Asset Integration
TSE is not always integrated!
Sensitivity Analysis
Illustration #3: NYSE during the LTCM Crisis
Shadow Discount Rates
Likelihood-Ratio (Joint) Test for Asset Integration
NYSE is not integrated after LTCM/Russia Crisis
Illustration #4: The Asian Crisis of 1997
Likelihood-Ratio (Joint) Test for Asset Integration
Tokyo and Seoul are never integrated!
Illustration #5: American Securities
American Stocks and Bonds are not Integrated!
Deltas are uncorrelated with Stock Market and T-bill returns!
Illustration #6: August 21, 2003
Plausible Results
Future Work