Population Profile Total population: Area: 17044ha
Health status Healthy life expectancy –41,3% (WC) Life expectancy –46.5 years (SA) Infant mortality rate –30/1000 (65.3 SA)
Health Units
Health services rendered PHC –Maternity –Immunisation –Mental health –Tuberculoses –Curative –Rep health Hospital –Medicine –Paediatrics –Surgery –Maternity
Health services case load
PHC Headcount per facility Utilisation rate of PHC - WC: 2.4 SA: 1.8
Socio Economic Status Tap 90% Toilet 79%
Human Resource distribution Doctors ap. 1/10000 Nurses ap. 1/1000 Pharmacist ap. 1/25000
Mortality rate Witzenberg 5/1000 Western Cape 9.8/1000 South Africa 11.7/1000
Immunisation coverage
Immunisation quality Imm dropout DPT1-3 5,94% Imm dropout DPT3-measl 5,17% Imm dropout measl 1-2 6,52%
TB Incident rate sm+ = 663,9/100K SA= 526.3/100K
Family Planning services Contraception Indicators of poor family planning services –Termination of pregnancy (0,1%) –Emergency contraception (0,52%) –Teenage motherhood (10,8%) Witzenberg39,66% Bolan28,72% Western cape29,09% Women on contraceptives
Disability Total = 4.1%
Priority Problem The sub-district health information system Goal: To improve the Witzenberg health information system for enhanced planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of health services.
Priority Problem SMART objectives To revise the existing essential data set to include relevant data for the coverage and quality of health services and population health status by December The training of 75% of all health personnel in Witzenberg on data collection, collation, reporting and use of relevant information by 2007.
Priority Problem SMART objectives cont To establish a feedback system between the Sub-district and the health facilities by To improve the HIS infracture through the procurement of necessary equipment (eg – computers, filing cabinets, etc) by 2006.
Priority Problem Monitoring indicators The development of specific tasks for each objective. The setting of a realistic timeline with necessary milestones. The delegation of responsibilities to appropriate personnel.
Priority Problem evaluation indicators Increase in consistent reporting between facilities and the sub-district management. Use of local information by managers to aid in the decision-making process. Improved consistency, completeness and accuracy of aggregate data. Improved general health status indicators.
Information flow OLD
Information flow NEW
The three most important management indicators
Resource indicators Human resource Doctors, nurses, pharmacists Infrastructure number of health facilities or social services Availability of services Material supplies drugs, vaccines (26M)
Health status indicators Hospital Attendance Social economic status (35% very poor, 48% poor) Low birth weight (21,2%) Morbidity and mortality rates
Quality indicators ANC coverage rates Drop out rates Hospital death rates