Conceptual Blockbusting A Guide to BETTER Ideas (John L. Adams)
Conceptual blocks: EMOTIONAL Fear of taking a risk No appetite for ambiguity and chaos Premature Judging (not generating ideas) Unwillingness to incubate Lack of Challenge (problem) vs. Excess Zeal (addiction) Relationship of Reality & Fantasy: Flow & Angst
Creative People: Qualities Characteristics – The 5 Ps QualitiesCharacteristics Positive Opportunity- seeking Tolerance Attitude see a negative situation as an opportunity Seek opportunity rather than failure. Playful Mental flexibility Risk taker Tolerant, open-minded about how things are done Bohm and Peat (1991) play is important in relation to scientific thinking. Passion Motivation Commitment Pursuing subject based upon commitment and motivation. Persistence Experience Problem- sensitivity Both experience and problem sensitivity are necessary characteristics which are needed for persistence. Persuasion Influence Creative endeavour and ideas almost invariably involves interesting or convincing others of your vision.
Properties of Creativity you can Cultivate Curiosity and tolerance of the unknown Openness to new experiences Willingness to take risks Ability to both observe the details and see the whole picture No fear of problems Concentrate and focus on the problem until it is solved