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Welcome to Perception and Cognition JEOPARDY !
Some reminders about the game: When called upon, pick a category and a dollar value. Once the answer is read, raise your hand as soon as you are ready to respond. When called upon for a response, remember to word your response in the form of a question.
HistoryLightEyesBrain Ramachandran Categories and amounts
Stimuli and responses linked by unconscious reflexes
Greater than the sum of its parts
Perception is not “for fun” but for particular tasks
Hyphothesis chosen using best guess and available information
Three physical properties of light
The characteristic of light waves corresponding most closely to perceived intensity
The other region of the electromagnetic sensed by living creatures
Property of light that is most responsible for its information content
Animal with a pinhole eye
The basic unit of a compound eye
Nerve cells in cats were found to respond to these specific stimuli
Along with colour vision, the cones are also crucially responsible for
Another name for the striate cortex
Biederman’s basic shapes
The brain’s only inputs and outputs
The type of processing performed on visual inputs to create perception
Penfield’s homunculus is here
Irritated nerved endings
Number of phantom limb maps after an amputation
Loss of a limb to this disease does not result in a phantom
Round Two