Semileptonic events 1 lepton from W p T gen >10 GeV, ||<2.4 1 lepton p T >20 GeV,||<2.0 At least 2 jets (E T Raw >13,||<2.4) Dileptonic events 2 leptons.


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Presentation transcript:

Semileptonic events 1 lepton from W p T gen >10 GeV, ||<2.4 1 lepton p T >20 GeV,||<2.0 At least 2 jets (E T Raw >13,||<2.4) Dileptonic events 2 leptons from W p T >10 GeV ||<2.4 2 leptons p T >20 GeV, p T >15 GeV ||<2.0, opposite charge At least 2 jets (E T Raw >13,||<2.4) Off-line selection Generator cuts cuts efficiencies reported  trig  trig  based on MC information  trig/off  trig/off  relative to the offline selection

Final state bjjb evbjjb bbbbbbbb ebeb ebb N gen N acc/gen acceptanc acceptance87.6%87.7%77.1%75.8%81.0%  trig HLT1MuonNonIso HLT1MuonIso HLT1ElectronRelaxed HLT1Electron HLT2MuonNonIso HLT2ElectronRelaxed HLTXElectronMuonRelaxed HLTXElectronMuon HLT1jet RelValTTbar 1_8_ events

Final state bjjb evbjjb bbbbbbbb ebeb ebb N off/acc  off/acc76.9%76.9%64.9%56.0%62.8%  trig/off HLT1MuonNonIso HLT1MuonIso HLT1ElectronRelaxed HLT1Electron HLT2MuonNonIso HLT2ElectronRelaxed HLTXElectronMuonRelaxed HLTXElectronMuon HLT1jet RelValTTbar 1_8_ events

tt->bjjb HLT1MuonNonIso tt->ebjjb HLT1ElectronRelaxed FULLSIM

Final state bjjb evbjjb bbbbbbbb ebeb ebb N gen N acc/gen acceptanc acceptance87.4%87.6%79.3%76.5%80.6%  trig HLT1MuonNonIso HLT1MuonIso HLT1ElectronRelaxed HLT1Electron HLT2MuonNonIso HLT2ElectronRelaxed HLTXElectronMuonRelaxed HLTXElectronMuon HLT1jet RelValTTbar FASTSIM 1_8_ events

Final state bjjb evbjjb bbbbbbbb ebeb ebb N off/acc  off/acc78.8%79.0%58.1%67.6%68.3%  trig/off HLT1MuonNonIso HLT1MuonIso HLT1ElectronRelaxed HLT1Electron HLT2MuonNonIso HLT2ElectronRelaxed HLTXElectronMuonRelaxed HLTXElectronMuon HLT1jet RelValTTbar FASTSIM 1_8_ events

tt->bjjb HLT1MuonNonIso tt->ebjjb HLT1ElectronRelaxed FASTSIM

Final state bjjb evbjjb bbbbbbbb ebeb ebb N off/acc  off/acc77.8%78.6%  trig/off HLT1MuonNonIso HLT1MuonIso HLT1ElectronRelaxed HLT1Electron HLT2MuonNonIso HLT2ElectronRelaxed HLTXElectronMuonRelaxed HLTXElectronMuon HLT1jet Private sample FASTSIM 1_8_ events