Ch 6: Sys. Architecture Design: System Decomposition Qutaibah Malluhi Software Engineering Qatar University Based on slides by Bernd Bruegge & Allen H. Dutoit
System Architecture Design Analysis: Focuses on the application domain Design: Focuses on the solution domain Define design goals Decompose into subsystems Subsystems are realized by individual teams Design decisions on building strategies Hardware/software mapping Concurrency Persistent data management Global control flow Access control Boundary conditions Chapter 6 Rumbaugh distinguishes two kinds of design: System design and Object design. System design, the topic of this and the next lecture is concerned with the overall aspects of the system. What are the goals it tries to achieve. The main goals are: Low cost, good response time, high reliability. Types (Often listed under Global requirements in Problem Statement). Trade-off priorities System design is also concerned about the overall structure of the system. How is it broken into pieces? How do these pieces fit together? Must they know about each other? The best system design is one where the interaction between the subsystems is minimal. Concurrency is another important design issue. The more concurrency we can identify in a system, the better it can perform. Mapping the subsystem to processors is the moment of truth, and the hardest. While decomposition and concurrency identification are still independent of technology, subsystem allocation is not. Shall we map them to hardware or can we get by with software (Example: Floating point package). The management of data is also a design issue. Access methods specify the security of the design. Can a random user or a program gone hay-wire create havoc to the rest of the system? Control is another important design issue. Who is in control? A main program or a set of harmoniously cooperating processes? Boundary conditions specify the non-steady state behavior of the system. Usually the designer worries about the steady state (average number of transactions/sec). However, initialization and termination behavior, in particular failure conditions are important design issues. How does the system behave when an error occurs? Does it simply type "Illegal address at PC 0. Abort!" (Famous last words on a screen cockpit filmed by a video camera before the plane, an F-15 fighter, crashed). For the FRIEND system, database design issues are very important. We will discuss several design goals that are very important for the design of distributed databases Chapter 7
System Design Activities 1. Design Goals Defi nition T rade-of fs 8. Boundary Conditions Initialization T ermination 2. System Failure 1. Design goals 2. System decomposition Breaking the system into subsystems, Layers and partitions, System information flow (topology) 3. Identification of concurrency Threads of control 4. Hardware/software allocation Estimate hardware requirements, Hardware/software trade-offs, Describe processor allocation, Physical connectivity (existing hardware) 5. Data management Data structures implemented in memory or secondary storage 6. Global resource handling Choose access control 7. Software control implementation Procedure-based, event-based, concurrent systems 8. Boundary conditions Describe behavior at initialization, termination and failure 9. Feasibility Discuss design alternatives, Technological constraints that drive the design, What if the constraints change? Decomposition Layers/Partitions Cohesion/Coupling 7. Software Control Monolithic Event-Driven Threads Conc. Processes 3. Concurrency Identification of Threads 4. Hardware/ 6. Global 5. Data Softwar e Resource Handling Management Mapping Access control Security Persistent Objects Special purpose Files Buy or Build Trade-off Databases Allocation Data structure Connectivity
System Arch. Design Overview nonfunctional requirements Analysis dynamic model analysis object model From nonfunctional requirements System design design goals Includes: Subsystems and their dependencies Design strategies Boundary use cases subsystem decomposition Object design object design model
List of Design Goals Reliability Modifiability Maintainability Understandability Adaptability Reusability Efficiency Portability Traceability of requirements Fault tolerance Backward-compatibility Cost-effectiveness Robustness High-performance Good documentation Well-defined interfaces User-friendliness Reuse of components Rapid development Minimum # of errors Readability Ease of learning Ease of remembering Ease of use Increased productivity Low-cost Flexibility
Relationship Between Design Goals End User Functionality User-friendliness Ease of Use Ease of learning Fault tolerant Robustness Low cost Increased Productivity Backward-Compatibility Traceability of requirements Rapid development Flexibility Runtime Efficiency Reliability Portability Good Documentation Client (Customer, Sponsor) Minimum # of errors Modifiability, Readability Reusability, Adaptability Well-defined interfaces Developer/ Maintainer
Typical Design Trade-offs Cost vs. Fault Tolerance Efficiency vs. Portability Rapid development vs. Functionality Functionality vs. Usability Cost vs. Reusability Backward Compatibility vs. Readability
2. System Decomposition Decompose into Subsystems. Simpler part of the system Can be handled by a single developer or development team Modeled as UML packages Some languages have subsystem modeling constructs Java packages In other languages (e.g. C & C++) subsystems are represented as directories with all related files Define on services provided by each subsystem Specified by the subsystem interface Define relationships among subsystems
Services and Subsystem Interfaces (Subsystem) Service: Group of operations provided by the subsystem A set of related operations that share a common purpose Service is specified by subsystem interface: Set of fully typed related operations Specifies interaction at subsystem boundaries (not inside the subsystem) Should be well-defined and small. Also called API: Application Programming Interface The term API is often used during implementation, not during system design
Choosing Subsystems Criteria for subsystem selection: Questions: Most of the interaction should be within subsystems, rather than across subsystem boundaries (high cohesion + low coupling) Questions: What kind of service is provided by the subsystems (subsystem interface)? What kind of model describes the relationships among subsystems (layers and partitions)?
Coupling and Cohesion Goal: Reduction of complexity while change occurs Cohesion measures the dependence within a subsystem High cohesion: The classes in the subsystem perform similar tasks and are related to each other (via associations) Low cohesion: Lots of miscellaneous and auxiliary classes, no associations Coupling measures dependencies between subsystems High/tight coupling: Changes to one subsystem will have high impact on other subsystems (change of model, massive recompilation, etc.) Low coupling: A change in one subsystem does not affect other subsystems Subsystems should have maximum cohesion and minimum coupling as possible Reducing coupling may introduce unnecessary layers – middle classes (overhead + development time) Trade off between cohesion and coupling. Can often increase cohesion by further decomposing the subsystem into smaller subsystem. This increase coupling as the number of interfaces increases. Too much fragmentation (too many subsystems) may not be good. Remember 7+-2 principle. Subsystem Decomposition Heuristics: No more than 7+/-2 subsystems More subsystems increase cohesion but also complexity (more services) No more than 4+/-2 layers, use 3 layers (good)
Partitions and Layers Partitioning and layering are techniques to achieve low coupling. A large system is usually decomposed into subsystems using both, layers and partitions. Partitions vertically divide a system into several independent (or weakly-coupled) subsystems that provide services on the same level of abstraction. A layer is a subsystem that provides subsystem services to a higher layers (level of abstraction) A layer can only depend on lower layers A layer has no knowledge of higher layers
Relationships between Subsystems Layer relationship Layer A “Calls” Layer B (runtime) Layer A “Depends on” Layer B (“make” dependency, compile time) Partition relationship The subsystem have mutual but not deep knowledge about each other Partition A “Calls” partition B and partition B “Calls” partition A
Software Architectural Styles Subsystem decomposition Identification of subsystems, their services, and their relationship to each other. System may conform to a generic architectural model or style. Examples: Abstract machine (or layered) Repository (shared data) Client/Server Thin client, thick client, multi-tier Peer-To-Peer Model/View/Controller Pipes and Filters Service-oriented architecture
Layered (Abstract Machine) Style Layered systems are hierarchical: Organised into a set of layers (or abstract machines) each of which provide a set of services. A layer can only depend on lower layers Closed layering: only depend on layer immediately below Reduce complexity (by low coupling) When a layer interface changes, only the adjacent layer is affected Less efficient: speed and storage overhead of each layer in the path If a subsystem is a layer, it is often called a virtual machine. Supports the incremental development of sub-systems in different layers. When a layer interface changes, only the adjacent layer is affected
OSI and TCP/IP Layered Models Application Presentation Session Transport Network DataLink Physical Socket TCP/IP Object Ethernet Wire
OSI model Layers‘ Responsibilities The Physical layer represents the hardware interface to the net-work. It allows to send() and receive bits over a channel. The Datalink layer allows to send and receive frames without error using the services from the Physical layer. The Network layer is responsible for that the data are reliably transmitted and routed within a network. The Transport layer is responsible for reliably transmitting from end to end. (This is the interface seen by Unix programmers when transmitting over TCP/IP sockets) The Session layer is responsible for initializing a connection, including authentication. The Presentation layer performs data transformation services, such as byte swapping and encryption The Application layer is the system you are designing (unless you build a protocol stack). The application layer is often layered itself.
Repository Architecture Style (I) Sub-systems must exchange data. This may be done in two ways: Shared data is held in a central data structure or repository and may be accessed by all sub-systems; Each sub-system maintains its own data structure and passes data explicitly to other sub-systems. When large amounts of data are to be shared, the repository model of sharing is most commonly used.
Repository Architectural Style (II) Subsystems access and modify data from a single data structure Subsystems are loosely coupled (interact only through the repository) Control flow is dictated by central repository (triggers) or by the subsystems (locks, synchronization primitives) Subsystem Repository createData() setData() getData() searchData()
Repository Style Characteristics Advantages Efficient way to share large amounts of data Easy to deal with concurrent access and data integrity among different subsystems Centralised data management e.g. backup, security, etc. Disadvantages Central repository can become the performance bottleneck Tight coupling between subsystems and repository Modifiability limitations Sub-systems depend on the repository data model Data evolution is difficult and expensive No scope for subsystem-specific (rather than global) management policies;
Examples of Repository Architectures Database Applications Modern Compilers and IDEs Case Tools
Model/View/Controller Arch. Style Subsystems are classified into 3 different types Model subsystem: Maintains application domain knowledge View subsystem: Display application domain objects to the user Controller subsystem: Responsible for sequence of interactions with the user and notifying views of changes in the model. Model is independent of View and Controller Propagate model changes through subscribe/notify protocol MVC is a special case of a repository architecture: Model subsystem implements the central datastructure, the Controller subsystem explicitly dictate the control flow Controller Model subscriber notifier initiator * repository 1 View
MVC Example: File System Consider changing the file name
Sequence of Events (Collaborations) 2.User types new filename :Controller 3. Request name change in model :Model 1. View subscribes to event 5. Updated views 4. Notify subscribers :InfoView :FolderView 1. View subscribes to event
MVC Advantages Easy to modify user interfaces User interfaces changes more often than model User interface is independent from the model Good for systems with multiple views of the same model Similar to advantages and disadvantages of repository (model is the repository)
Client/Server Architectural Style One or many servers provides services to instances of subsystems, called clients. Client calls on the server, which performs some service and returns the result Client knows the interface of the server (its service) Server does not need to know the interface of the client Response in general immediately Users interact only with the client
Client/Server Application Examples Network applications FTP WWW Chat Database applications Front-end: User application (client) User input through customized user interface Front-end processing of data Initiation of transactions Typically access to database server across the network Back end: Database access and manipulation (server) Centralized data management Data integrity and database consistency Database security Concurrent operations (multiple user access) Centralized management (for example archiving)
Client/Server Substyles Thin client Fat client Multi-tier Distinction is based on distribution of application functionality described in the Layered Application Architecture (see next slides)
Layered Application Architecture Presentation layer Present results of a computation to system users and collect user inputs Application logic layer Business rules, processes and application-specific functions. E.g., in a banking system, banking functions such as open account, close account, etc. Data management layer Concerned with managing the system databases Presentation Application Logic Data Management
Thin and fat clients Thin-client model Fat-client model Application processing (business logic) and data management is carried out on the server. The client is simply responsible for running the presentation software. Fat-client model The server is only responsible for data management. The software on the client implements the business logic and the interactions with the system user. Client Server Data Management Application Logic Presentation Thin Client Client Server Data Management Presentation Application Logic Fat Client
Thin client model Used when legacy systems are migrated to client server architectures. The legacy system acts as a server in its own right with a graphical interface implemented on a client. The small-size thin client software can be downloaded on-the-fly before running E.g. Web-based clients A major disadvantage is that it places a heavy processing load on both the server and the network.
Fat client model More processing is delegated to the client as the application processing is locally executed. Most suitable for new C/S systems where the capabilities of the client system are known in advance. More complex than a thin client model especially for management. New versions of the application have to be installed on all clients.
Three-tier architectures In a three-tier architecture, each of the application architecture layers may execute on a separate processor. Allows for better performance than a thin-client approach and is simpler to manage than a fat-client approach. A more scalable architecture - as demands increase, extra servers can be added. Client Server Application Logic Presentation Three-Tier Data Management
3-Tier Example: Internet banking system
Use of C/S architectures
Peer-to-Peer Architectural Style Generalization of Client/Server Architecture Clients can be servers and servers can be clients More difficult because of possibility of deadlocks Peer Client Server
Summary Analysis: Focuses on the application domain Design: Focuses on the solution domain Define design goals Decompose into subsystems Subsystems are realized by individual teams Design decisions on building strategies Hardware/software mapping Concurrency Persistent data management Global control flow Access control Boundary conditions Chapter 6 Rumbaugh distinguishes two kinds of design: System design and Object design. System design, the topic of this and the next lecture is concerned with the overall aspects of the system. What are the goals it tries to achieve. The main goals are: Low cost, good response time, high reliability. Types (Often listed under Global requirements in Problem Statement). Trade-off priorities System design is also concerned about the overall structure of the system. How is it broken into pieces? How do these pieces fit together? Must they know about each other? The best system design is one where the interaction between the subsystems is minimal. Concurrency is another important design issue. The more concurrency we can identify in a system, the better it can perform. Mapping the subsystem to processors is the moment of truth, and the hardest. While decomposotion and concurrency identification are still independent of technology, subsystem allocation is not. Shall we map them to hardware or can we get by with software (Example: Floating point package). The management of data is also a design issue. The FRIEN database group is an example: Most of its problems are design specific. Access methods specify the security of the design. Can a random user or a program gone hay-wire create havoc to the rest of the system? Control is another important design issue. Who is in control? A main program or a set of harmoniously cooperating processes? Boundary conditions specify the non-steady state behavior of the system. Usually the designer worries about the steady state (average number of transactions/sec). However, initialization and termination behavior, in particular failure conditions are important design issues. How does the system behave when an error occurs? Does it simply type "Illegal address at PC 0. Abort!" (Famous last words on a screen cockpit filmed by a video camera before the plane, an F-15 fighter, crashed). For the FRIEND system, database design issues are very important. We will discuss several design goals that are very important for the design of distributed databases Chapter 7