No body said I shouldn’t
Where did Kelly go wrong? Kelly was only hired to the company as field specialist in restoring and backing-up company‘s database in a secure file. She had never got any permission to make a copy of the company’s database, not only that, but also she had left corporate premises with a copy of the company’s data sales, financial information, marketing strategies, all information in what could concerns a competitors. She also had invaded other sales associate’s privacy and sales codes. She viewed information that she had no business to view.
. Do you think it was illegal, unethical, or neither for Kelly to take the database home and query the data? Yes, because it wasn’t her business to view sales information and business deals because this information should be private and secured. I think it was illegal because this kind of information could threaten the strength of this corporate in their area of market. I also believe it was unethical because she viewed confidential information about sales associates and sales deals, in addition, to business integrity by making a duplicate copy of the company’s database and taking it home.
Does the company share culpability with Kelly? I don’t think so because the company fired her immediately after being informed with this incident, although Kelly thought that she was doing the right thing by finding out that one of the sales associate is giving major discounts to a certain corporate with the motive of either manipulation of commission, or conflict of interest. Her boss considered her acts as a violation to the company code of conduct and she was fired instantly.
What do you think Kelly should have done upon discovering the odd pattern in Jason’s orders Kelly should have contacted her boss immediately explaining him the information she discovered in regard to a possibility of fraudulent accounts or she thinks you might want to take a closer look at certain deals. She shouldn’t waited until she returned back to work on Monday because her manger fired her under the perception that she stole the company’s database.
What should the company have done before firing Kelly? The company should have generated an investigation with Kelly first, because they would’ve find out about Jason's odd-pattern of discounts to certain deals. Probably they could’ve cut her a brake and she gets off on write-up just because her real intention was knowledging her self on company’s products and just that her good luck, she was able to access and read in details about sales deals and finding Jason’s odd- pattern of discounts issue.
Is it possible that someone other than Jason is involved in the arrangement with Valley Appliances? What should Kelly have done in light of that possibility? Yes, because someone like Jason’s ethical behaviors and business integrity are missing. He could’ve dealed with someone from valley appliances to give them a big discount and they were going to give him extra commission on side. And in this case, Kelly should’ve reported her assumption to her boss or even higher personal in the corporate..
What should Kelly do now Kelly should her boss with all the information she gathered from the copy of the database CD she had. And maybe her boss will realize that her intensions were good.
Metadata make databases easy to use for both authorized and unauthorized purposes. Explain what organizations should do in light of this fact. Business Organizations and corporate firms should have all these important information in a secured file and for no one that could access these codes- files without certain logins, password, lock patterns.. To avoid important information theft.